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Everything posted by Evelyn

  1. NOPE
  2. Welcome!
  3. Evelyn

    2 months

    Thanks Lace!
  4. To be honest I suck my thumb sometimes and it can make you feel safe!
  5. NOPE (cpk good job)
  6. I replaced gum for cigs, but ate a bottle of gum (mint no nicotine) now cut that back and have a massive upset stomach and the first days I felt 'no smoke, no gum 'hellup''! I'm going to pick up cycling again. And I'm just saying don't trade candy or another addiction (like I did) for cigs it only bites you in the ass. Fill the left over time you have now with NEW activities! You can do this!
  7. Massive congratulations!
  8. NOPE
  9. Evelyn

    2 months

    Thanks all of my online quit buddies!
  10. Evelyn

    2 months

    Under my belt
  11. I'm having way more cravings without the mint gum which I ate a bottle a day from.

    1. babs609


      mind over matter Evelyn.

    2. Evelyn
  12. NOPE
  13. Thanks Bakon for the last kick under the ass! Needed that I'm not a newbie anymore I can kick the habit!
  14. NOPE
  15. Yes, I ckick that voice's ass!
  16. It's a combination of romancing and thinking I can't succeed: (just discovered) So I say I'm allowed to succeed and kick destruction in the balls! Cig won't do anything for me! NOPE
  17. I'm fighting
  18. Do you have the link?
  19. I do not give in. but I need to change my thinking to what it was.
  20. I know - there's so much stress going on. I feel like giving in. I need to stay here and get support. BECAUSE I romance and use the stress as an excuse...
  21. If it didn't put me down and created a problem extra I'd light one s damn pissed off at Bakon. But I do not want to give you a smile. So I say NOPE and Bakon go to *** BUT MY NOPE counts!
  22. Why should I post and be a member here, because I play with you, Bakon...? You're the village idiot so you never be right... you dunno me, you dunno me at all!

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