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Everything posted by Evelyn

  1. Tired (from what?) and wozzy so to bed early :P

  2. Been there, done that!!! And big girl pants suit you well!
  3. There's no neggotiating with a fag. Feeling sorry and slipping up is NOT okay because it will only make you feel worse. I stick with NOT ONE PUFF EVER. And I've had some stressy days but it's just simply NOPE. And to all to tough love friend here and especially Bakon. Thanks for not giving up on me. You peeps saw strenght I didn't knew I had. And you kicked my under the ass, if needed at the time I could strangle you but there's no such thing as mercy in an addiction. You have to play tough because overcoming that addiction needs you to be tough and kick yourself under the butt, and if not others will do so LOL So Bakon and all other friends, thanks Oh, never ever forget to stick with NOT ONE PUFF EVER, newbies!!!!
  4. Evelyn

    Door Step Kid

    Same as you Tracey, my father died in 2005 from lungcancer, my mom in 2007. It took me 10 bloody years to believe Joels'message; cold turkey is the only way. Bakon gave me some stuff to think about when i was patching or slipping. THANK YOU Bakon dude. You were so right. I am a senior, well not in a year quit but I have the experience. And you know what I stick with NOPE. End of discussion whenever a 'cozy cigarette' or a I'm so sad - i need a fix' moment is there. NO! NOPE! And when I don't post it in the morning I feel like 'shit, forgot to pledge....My NOPE is not on paper' so for now I pledge every day. In case my smoking neighbor asks me in for coffee. I once forgot to NOPE here and found out at my neighbors; I panicked so I said outloud (yeah my neighbor heared me) I need to say this outloud, NOPE NOT ONE PUFF EVER - end of discussion but I was glad I posted my pledge anyway lol
  5. Both my parents died of lungcancer, I mentioned it before but it took me 10 years to get the the right mind and kick this addiction in the balls.
  6. Awesome job! Massive congratulations!!!
  7. I wanna be able to say in 9 months I'm on the senior deck. That I've beat the crap outta any kind of nicotine. Patches, gum it's all keeping you in withdrawl and I'm sometimes having a mental craving but I kick those out by sticking with NOPE.
  8. NOPE
  9. Welcome Joy
  10. Congratulations
  11. Thanks Doreen... MQ you talk like it's written in latin
  12. People I got emotional... 10 years of patching, smoking, chewing and repeating this circle; I put it to an end 3 mnths ago. Ripped off the patch, smoked 3 and prayed, faced my fears with lots of sugar and pulled through. Today was tricky, after church my friend and her friend wanted to smoke a cigarette, but she felt bad for me. I replied 'don't mind me just smoke, but pass me cup of coffee as replacement ;) ' So I passed me 3 months test, I honestly felt like 'oh now I'm not nicely smoking with them' but I kicked nicodemon's ass and stick with NOPE! I amazed myself, I succeeded in something, so I feel for the first time in my life. And being smokefree is lovely. <3 Got lobsterred in the sun, on one side :P but Like you said Ava. I did something no one thought I could ever accomplish, what I thought I could accomplish :wub: Thanks people for believing in me
  13. I quit 22 December 5:45 PM Brussels time so today there's should not say 27 days and bla bla hours right? Is my ticker wacked out or am I?
  14. NOPE
  15. NOPE
  16. NOPE
  17. Awesome post Bakon.
  18. Had a bad-ass craving right before T, you know what I did. I kicked ass; of the craving and sticked with NOPE

  19. NOPE
  20. Forgot *bumps head* NOPE
  21. NOPE
  22. NOPE
  23. It's officially 22 December not 23, 23 is my first smokefree day

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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