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Status Updates posted by Evelyn

  1. I got baptized smokefree.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jenny


      So happy for you Evelyn!xx

    3. SueBeDoo


      Great news, chuffed for you xxx

    4. beacon
  2. Next day after tomorrow I'm baptized

  3. Bought stuff for upcoming Christmas! Let's say I already have the stable and crib complete with baby Jesus in my livingroom... for my 2 months anniversary. Am I wacked? Yeah... but I at least not putting up my NEW Christmas tree! LOL

    1. Jenny


      Evelyn, It could never, EVER be too early to decorate for Christmas! xx

    2. Evelyn


      Lol no guess not!


    3. Sazerac


      I have 11 Magi ! but need more camels

  4. New shoes.. new blister...

    1. SanDar
    2. Colleen


      feel better :)

    3. Tink


      it is worth the pain :)

  5. Dr. Who on 9:30 PM who freaking came up with that idea? I need my sleep!

  6. In my 6th hour of watching Dr. Who today... call it a marathon!

    1. sharonsiff


      Brilliant, sounds like my kinda day xx

    2. Nicole Diver

      Nicole Diver

      I love marathons.

  7. Anyone in for kickboxing?

  8. 3 days - in my 4th

  9. Where did the sun go? Only clouds, rain and thunder in the East; bummer I'm in the West

    1. sharonsiff


      It popped over the North sea late Sunday afternoon Evelyn. So lovely to see you check in xxx

  10. Sitting day one out; almost 6 PM and in my pj's with closed curtains going to watch Dr. Who on Netflix... screw the outside world: but I didn't smoke!

    1. Still winning

      Still winning

      Hell yeah!! Dr WHo and smoke free - double win!! x

    2. action


      Enjoy the doctor ;)

  11. Well where's the thunder and lightning?

    1. Tink


      we had a terrible thunder storm here this morning

    2. Evelyn


      It came last night, loud and clear


  12. YESSS 2 weeks in the pocket!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. action


      Knew you could do it :) proud of you

    3. Colleen


      Yay Evelyn!

    4. Fay


      Great job, Evelyn!


  13. In half an hour watching Hercules... 90's show but love that they air the old series.

  14. Bored *yawn*

  15. No T, next week twice... kinda relaxed for every once in a while. BUT still raining nasty weather.

  16. Raining cats 'n dogs! Sad weather. But I'm not said. 1 WEEK quit and beat down a offered cig, feels like I can conquer the world!

    1. action


      Yippee Evelyn, you sound strong and happy today :)

    2. Nicole Diver
  17. I got my quit firmly finally

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. babs609
    3. Still winning

      Still winning

      Let's do this!! You got this chick. x


    4. Jenny


      Big hugs Evelyn my friend :)

  18. I stop the cycles of being a junk - cigarettes make you a junkie!

    1. Colleen


      Good for you Evelyn :)

    2. Evelyn


      THanks :)


  19. I take full responsiblity for my own actions. No more faith bla bla!

  20. Yay me, 2 weeks smober!

  21. Almost the big 2 weeks!

    1. Trish


      Great job, Evelyn! Keep it going!

    2. Colleen


      Way to go Evelyn!

    3. action


      Yay Evelyn :)

  22. Feel like miss Piggy: but not allowd to jump on top of diets and heavy exercise yet. What would my Bowel Doctor say, every calorie you absorb is good... well guess not!!!!

    1. Trish


      Hang in there, Evelyn!

  23. Mother's Day: without mother... Is a sad day for me BUT I beat down my craving for a cig.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Evelyn


      Indeed :)


    3. sharonsiff


      Sending you a motherly hug Evelyn...she would be SO proud of the non smoking you-we all are xx

    4. action


      She would be proud of you :)

  24. Hellweek in the pocket!

  25. Freaking sad, hate those tears! If anyone needs me, look for me between the mountain of tissues

    1. Jenny


      Hugs Evelyn

    2. Aine


      Almost one week, right?!

    3. ...


      It's gonna be ok Evelyn. This will not last forever. Keep going.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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