I keep my patch on at night, only because I would wake up due cravings. In the morning I take the old one off and put on a new one on clean skin, not washed with soap!!!! I discovered that here in the Netherlands we have two brands of patches and Nicorette (gum / patch / spray) is way more concentrated somehow. I use Niquitin, the patch, you can look through and it has 4 angels (dunno how to translate) the one I mentioned above is skincolor and round. I used gum but during a mental trial I picked in the station store for patched, the 21 mg. And I'm glad I did. Now 2 weeks further I'm on step 2 14 mg and doing well the cravings are mainly mental; caused by the idea 'what if the patch falls off or like yesterday me thinking going down one step means less nicotine which causing a mental craving while in fact I only wanna smoke because I've used off and on patches / smoking for the last then years. Right now I AM SUCCESFULL. I am telling you my mental fears about going on later on without nicotine because the patches gave me a false feeling of safety. Don't let it get that far; use them and go down a step whenever you feel like it's okay. The patch CAN be a great way to support you quit. So can all those other pills, gums etc. But it's US who need to stick with NOPE. I use a patch now because I'm doubtfull that if I just pull it off my body I THINK I start having withdrawals. + my mental fears so I finish the steps and then I tie myself to the board the day I continue without nicotine. I've done the same, patch on, patch off for a smoke... but that way your only torturing yourself.
Stand for you quit, CHOOSE to QUIT