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  1. Sorry guys for getting back to you all so late. It's 150 Days now!! Doing just fine but struggle almost everyday. Thanks all for the encouragement!!
  2. Hello everyone@! Just stopping by to report. I'm currently at 140 days smoke free. Only having an occasional craving now. Not bad either. I just want Thank you to everyone who has been there for me during difficult times. It hasn't been easy. My wife, on the other hand, has started back up again. I don't seriously think that she ever quit. Oh well, alone I go. It really doesn't bother me knowing and seeing her smoke. Maybe, it will be her time just like this is my time. See you at 150 days!!!!!
  3. Today I didn't think of smoking at all.
  4. Thanks !! Tell that to my wife. LOL I struggle about 2-3 times a day still but look at the benefits of quitting.
  5. Thanks. I totally agree. I have to do it for me this time, but it would be nice to go it together. The journey has just started for me as a Non-smoker and it feels great.
  6. Hello everyone! I am just over 100 days smoke free. My wife has relapsed I'm afraid. She is being sneaky about it, but I smell it. How does one deal with a smoking partner? Don't worry, I'm not turning back now when my health is looking good. Please, need advice. Thanks, and Happy Easter!
  7. Thanks again!! I'm just over 100 days and without the "Patch". Unfortunately, Anita has started to smoke again. She is hiding it but I'm not making a big deal about it. I'm fully focused to stay away from those things. I have to do it for me now. No cravings and feeling great!!
  8. Thank You all! You all are AWESOME!!!
  9. Ohhh, Me?? Okay! NOPE Ever!!!
  10. Hello everyone. Hope all is safe and sound. Staying healthy, I hope. Today I am celebrating my 90th day off Cigarettes! I am doing just Great and feeling terrific! I want to mention that w/o my beautiful wife of almost 27 years and the people here, that I don't know where I would be. A very big Thanks!!! SAL and Anita
  11. Hello everyone! I'm currently 55 days of No smoking and had a craving almost all day today. I'm currently on the Nicotine Patches and started Step 2 yesterday. Just a good tip that works for me : Lie down and Meditate and Just stay BUSY! They will pass and you'll just be fine. You have to believe that this works. I did it for 96 days last time. This time is different. I have my Wife also quitting. Anyone else quit by patches? Thanks in advance.
  12. NOPE !! 55+ Days Now !
  13. I just want to Thank everyone and especially my beautiful Wife for sticking by my side as always.
  14. Hello everyone. I just want to thank you all and announce that Anita(my wife) and I are 50 days Nicotine-FREE!! She quit cold turkey and I have about one month of patches. Last time Anita didn't commit to quitting and I went on the journey alone. This time we both quit and for good! Wish us luck as we go forward. Thanks. I'll pop in every once in a while to keep you all posted.
  15. Thanks everyone. You all are the Best!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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