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  1. TONY

    smoke free

    My fishing buddy Wow
  2. TONY

    smoke free

    Sure will boo and looking forward to it cannot wait still smoke free. Felling a lot fitter and a lot healthier. Just the best feeling as I say KEEP the faith
  3. TONY

    smoke free

    hi everybody im 4 weeks 4 days smoke free feels great im on top off it now .bank account getting good thats another reason to quit .going shoping tomorrow going to get my new fishing rod and hope to do some winter fishing .hope your all good .as i say KEEP THE FAITH
  4. hi jillars at the moment im about to watch a film and a cold can  of beer just relaxing might have a bit of choc choc KEEP THE FAITH

    1. jillar


      Sounds like a nice night Tony :) 

  5. It’s a fantastic Thanks krisThat’s all we hope for keeping the faith look after today and take what tomorrow brings. Very old saying u never no what u have till it’s gone. I’m sure lots of u know what I mean keep the faith its a fantastic site it’s a place where u can just say how u feel blow off some steam rant all u want cause we have all been there thanks for this site as I say Keep the faith
  6. thanks kris just going for a 2 mile walk with with my mate he also has stopped smoking so thats good he said with a smile if you can do it so can i so im glad i helped some feels good when that happens u all have a nice day as always KEEP THE FAITH
  7. good morning all hope you all had a good night sleep new day fresh start had a small crave this morning but that soon passed other wise all is well had a few cans last night and i had no craving so that was great shows im getting there quite enjoying this site you all seem good people you all KEEP THE FAITH
  8. That’s all we hope for keeping the faith look after today and take what tomorrow brings. Very old saying u never no what u have till it’s gone. I’m sure lots of u know what I mean keep the faith
  9. That’s the plan hope to go for a week lots of fishing and a few beers or two as u do. Something to look forward to. Life goes on sorry about ur lost no how it feels Keep the faith
  10. Fishing is some thing for me my late wife told me to go fishing to get from under her feet i say ur wish is my command. Hope to go to France to catch the big monsters keep the faith
  11. Hi gus. Nice to hear from you yes fishing is good if you have any problems u can sort them out. It’s so relaxing. Were do you fish. Since the wife passed i don’t fish as much but I’m getting my life back on track. Keep the faith
  12. Thanks
  13. thank you all nice to be back..the hardest part was over xmas when i had a few pints .but i took control ..i can bye some new fishing rods ..does any one like fishing .cant wait to go fishing thats going to b hard i smoked not far off 20 fags ..when fishing .hope 2022 is a better year for us all stay strong KEEP THE FAITH
  14. Thanks johnny5 feeling great
  15. hi pat been away for a few days yesterday was a full month free .so so proud .also i have saved £616 thats one more reason to quit .plus i feel so much fitter more steps whit out stopping to catch my breath .should have done this a long time ago.so any one trying to quite stick with it. hope u all had a nice xmas. hope all are being strong in 2022 HAPPY NONE SMOKER.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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