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Everything posted by ChristaC

  1. So I hear. Very sad...
  2. I'm here, smoke free, still smelling like coconut. It'll be three years in June, I think. Nice to see so many familiar "faces" here, you guys rock!
  3. That's awesome, Tracey! I think the stronger your core is, the less problems you'll have with your back. :) I'm still hanging in there, too. Haven't missed a day, I almost WANT it. I know I don't do much compared to you ladies, but for me, it's pretty big. First of all I get terribly bored with exercising, and secondly I've got a lot of health problems, most of all in my arms and legs. Swollen, painful lumps in all my joints, and a really messed up foot that won't allow me to do much of anything.... a few months ago I could barely walk, so I consider myself lucky that I get around at all. Hence the very slight approach to exercising.... :rolleyes:
  4. 2 sets of 100 today... plus 50 arm raises side to side, 50 overhead, and 50 up and down... then stretches. Tomorrow, the stars! LOLOLOL :D
  5. I did my set this morning, maybe I'll do some more later in the day? Could be... LOL
  6. I ALMOST feel like I'm doing sit ups... because when I'm pedaling away with my legs up, my stomach muscles are screaming... LOLOLOL
  7. Today I increased my "workout". Went from two sets of 50 bicycles to 100/50, then did some arm exercises and stretches. Actually felt good. :)
  8. Inspired by this challenge, I started my exercise program a couple of days ago, as well. I lay on my back, raise my legs, and bicycle. 50 times. Rest. Raise legs, bicycle, another 50 times. Done. Then I read this entire thread, and now I'm completely exhausted and sore. I'm going to bed. That said, I kudos to all of you who have the will and the strength to do this!
  9. Awesome. Kudos to all of you who are still encouraging and aiding new members of this board. To my shame, I can't count myself among them... I have no excuse, really. Just lost my ambition, I suppose... got really busy, and never got back into the groove. But I'm still not smoking. :D
  10. Here Petra... a li'l present for ya: :D
  11. I'm still here.. though not very often, I'm ashamed to say... just enjoying the (smoke free) summer.... :-)
  12. When I first quit smoking, I had just found a new "favorite" song... it was https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTxythHY09k. Just a cute little ditty... Since I happen to use my cell phone as my alarm clock, I used that song to wake me up every morning. I remember the feeling so well... in the early days of my quit, the feeling of overwhelming happiness... I DID IT, I DON'T NEED TO SMOKE ANY MORE, I QUIT, I'M FREE !!! I'd lay there, listen to Norah Jones, and glory in knowing that I won my freedom. To this day... over a year later... whenever I hear that song, I instantly get the same, wonderful feeling... I think I will ALWAYS love that song. :-)
  13. Oh, yeah.... I'm here... Got a little side tracked for a while there, but I'm back. :-D
  14. I know, Doreen... the brain is on automatic pilot sometimes... no biggie, really, just a minor annoyance as in "what the hell? Go away!".... :-D
  15. I don't think there is a "one-size-fits-all" approach to quitting smoking (or doing anything, really). Everybody is different... and everybody is at a different point in their lives, Tiff. Why wasn't I ready to quit when was younger? I don't know... I wish I'd quit 20 years ago... or 30... or that I'd never started in the first place, sure! But no sense in looking back, right? What good would it do for me to beat myself up over it? What matters is that I finally, FINALLY managed to do it... because I was, finally, ready. It all just came together... gentle prodding by babs... then getting to know you people... having all the support I needed... and here I am. Don't despair. And never, EVER, give up! xoxox
  16. You're right of course... all of you. It's not the nicotine any more.... it's the "aaaahhhh" feeling of reward. Funny how smokers think of killing themselves by inhaling deadly chemicals as a "reward", though... as in "I worked hard and deserve to be rewarded by sucking on a cancer stick". Yeah, that makes sense. NOT.
  17. True dat. It's not hard to swat those thoughts away anymore... In fact, most of the time I can't even believe I once smoked. It seems so strange to imagine putting this stick between my lips, lighting it, and sucking the smoke deep into my lungs... WHY did I ever DO that?
  18. bug me sometimes. Out of the clear blue sky, every so often, I feel the tug. Of course WE ALL KNOW, without a doubt, that I'm not caving... but what is he... an idiot? Does he really think he's got ANYTHING at all to offer me? Does he really think I'm THAT stupid to think that he's got something I want, or need? Will he EVER give up? He's a royal pain in the ass sometimes... I'd sooner do this than smoke...
  19. I'm so sorry, peeps. To ALL of you... You're all awesome!
  20. 9 months is fantastic, Armed! Starting to smell that ocean breeze? LOL
  21. Hell week is OVER! Piece of cake from here on in... (mostly)....:-D
  22. Massive congratulations, Paul! Welcome to the Lido Deck!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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