I am going to copy this post of my unfiltered opinion in this topic as well and add that the tone of the start of this thread is worse than the other one in the sense of you sound like you are condoning vaping as a substitution for smoking.
If you are puffing on something as a crutch then you are not serious about actually quitting. If you are puffing on something because you are bored then you are not serious. There are a thousand more constructive things to do than puff on something that creates a substance that goes into your lungs. Lastly, if you keep a cigarette and lighter around then you are not serious about quitting. We have seen that scenario so many times, "I am keeping it to show my strength" (or whatever b.s. reason is given) and then, wham relapse.
Take up a hobby and lose the juices, vaporizer, and cigarette laying around if you are actually serious about taking your health back.
Sorry (not sorry) for stepping out of my calm, gentle realm of posting but this scenario is no good and new members thinking of joining shouldn't think it is okay.
Quitting using vapes as a step down method similar to NRT ending with no longer filling their lungs with anything but air, like members have done before, is fine but this post reads like it is trading one addiction for another and that is not okay.