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Posts posted by TAC

  1. Um, where do you work? I'm new here :)

    Hi Karen, guess my constituents already answered your question. Yes, I work in a brothel outside of Carson City Nevada. Smoking is allowed in bars and brothels as long as food is not being served. Smoking is not allowed in the brothel kitchens or bathrooms. It is actually quite easy for me to maintain my quit in spite of everyone smoking around me.


    It takes attitude, mental discipline, and a high sense of self worth.


    Right now, tonight I'm trying to help one of the girls, a famous one to keep her quit of two days. Trust me, it's not easy but it makes me feel good that maybe I had something to do with it. "Self pat on the back, good boy George"  LOL

    • Like 2
  2. Yes, now that I am more alert, clear of mind, and more agile, I am having dyslexic body movements. Aha!, the body is out of sync with my brain. This happened the last time I quit smoking back a few hundred years ago at just about 7 to 14 days.


    Again, I am not complaining, just hoping I don't do something really stupid like back my car into my house when I am completely sober, Bahhaaahhha

    • Like 2
  3. To answer some of your questions, I'm still here in Mound House Nevada, walking distance from the Brothels where I work. Unfortunately I only get on line to this site twice a week from work. I can access this site from my Wally World smart phone but band width is pathetic and slow as hell where I live.


    My goal is to purchase a hot spot some time in the future when I get rich. In the mean time if there is anyone who would like to communicate with me via phone text messaging, just let me know and I will give you my phone number. Texting does not require as much band width I have found.



  4. I love you guys, thanks for the welcome backs, etc. And to answer some of your questions, I am not back briefly, just don't have the Internet at home yet and am not fond of accessing this site on my pathetic Wally World cell phone.


    You can expect to see me here at least twice a week for now until I get rich and buy a hot spot for my house.



    • Like 3
  5. About six months after I started smoking again, I invested in a vaping pen just to see what all the la, la was about. Initially, I was able to quit smoking cigarettes for about three days if memory serves me right but I never lost the urge to smoke real cigarettes. The coupe de gra however was that I developed a mild case of pneumonia from the vapor and had to quit. Yes, I did not heed the warning, not to drag the pen as often as a cigarette but even after I took fewer drags per hour, I still could not kick the urge to drag a cigarette here and there. 


    My pen was finally retired and I went back to a pack and a half a day, the pen did not work for me. Here at work a large percentage of the girls and staff smoke cigarettes and do the pen but none of them has successfully quit except for yours truly.


    In conclusion, I believe that everyone who gives up smoking eventually has to quit cold turkey, even after months of supplemental stop smoking aids.


    Just my opinion, good luck to anyone having difficulty making the final commitment to quit:)


    • Like 5
  6. Yes, I started smoking again but have come back to my senses. I have been smoke free since midnight on the 20th. I feel great, back in the pink, etc.


    My story is that I hit rock bottom, was on the street, living illegally, lost everything except my cats. No I was not pushing a grocery store cart but given another month I surely would have been.


    I now have a good job, a home, and the strength to continue not smoking.


    I may need some help changing my quit days ICON, I don't remember how to change it to reflect my new time line.


    Thanks guys, I'm looking forward to chatting with all the other newbies:)

    • Like 8
  7. Tanks ya'll for your replies, and yes, Airforce Amy works here, and I have a picture with her, sweet girl.


    My picture is not on the milk carton, but it almost was.


    Believe it or not, this is hard work:)


    It is difficult to describe what it is like working at the Bunny Ranch but, I can say that it is extremely entertaining.

    • Like 1
  8. I only have the Internet at night when I am at work. I work at Dennis Hoff's Bunny Ranch playing music for the girls. I'm still smoke free and I'm real busy putting my life back together.


    Missed ya'll

    • Like 10
  9. It could be a week or two before I'm able to get back on line. I'll be back though so don't worry about me, I'm still quit.


    My birthday is on the 16th of May so thanks in advance for birthday wishes. It's not likely I'll be back until well after it is over.

    • Like 3
  10. why did U change it?  aren't the n/a ones search terms folks would use?  I would have used quit smoking support or forum.


    The n/a on Yahoo/Bing means that I could not find the Quit Train using those keywords like I did on Google.


    Google and Yahoo/Bing are like night and day in the way they operate.


    The first post was rankings for Google, and the second post was using the same words for Yahoo/Bing

  11. sonny_and_cher2.jpg


    I got to sit in both mustangs back in the seventies when they were on display at Mustang Country in Los Angeles, California. They were like no other Mustangs I have ever seen.


    I believe that I was told that they never actually drove them. Can't be sure, my memory at this age is not so good any more.


    I could be right, can't find any pictures of them driving them.

  12. Based on major search engine rankings, we need to use "quit smoking support" much more often. It is a very important keyword combination for obvious reasons.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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