Day 27. I need to let my thoughts meander.
I must admit I was having some urges last night. Not to go smoke right then, but brain kept dropping ideas regarding how I could sneak in a smoke w/o anyone knowing. My brain is using that "nobody will know" logic on me. It started yesterday afternoon when I took some old landscape wood from my home to the park to get rid of it. Now dumping wood at the park is illegal of course. But this is a wooded disc golf course park and I've spent over 500 hrs volunteering to build the course, which includes burning over 100 piles of wood. I dropped the wood in a spot I will be burning more trees and brush, so it will be gone soon. Anyways, burning piles of wood there is an activity I associate w/ smoking. I would get to the park around 5am, start a fire, and work till noon, clearing and burning. That alone was very peaceful and enjoyable. But I would also get a lot of cigarette breaks. Physical activity out in the woods plus plenty of cigarette breaks. I admit it was quite enjoyable. But dumping the landscape wood got me thinking of burning (which I havent needed to burn anything in about 3 months) and strongly triggered the urge to smoke. Nobody would know, right? And I would come come stinking of burning wood so my wife would not smell the cigarette smoke. And then I would be done until the next time I burned wood. I could just do this once a month. That would be the rule. Only once a month, or maybe only when I burned.
Of course, I've been down this "just once a month" and "nobody would know" road umpteen thousand times and it always fails.
One = All. That is the one truth my brain always wants to either forget, downplay, or ignore.
I can not have "just one".
I can not smoke, just once a month.
It is as impossible to smoke just "now and then" or "only when I burn brush".
One = All.
I must not forget that.