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Everything posted by BAT

  1. NOPE
  2. I wished I would have looked before I posted my thread. Sorry about that. I guess we were thinking about food at the same time. Love the new pic. :)
  3. I've been craving canned in olive oil, Tuna, Sardines or Oysters with a little tabasco and English smoked cheddar. :)
  4. I hadn't really realized that I have quit counting days until just now reading your post. Wow !!!! That's a happy surprise milestone past. :)
  5. Dead Space 2 was the last I played. I've been just too busy. I should have played while I was off work the first four months of this year on Medical Leave. I was too busy playing QuitTrain. :)
  6. Awesome video. Great looking family. …. Looks like West Texas except West Texas has less trees. :P You do not sound anything like I thought you would. I guess I was leaning toward you having a little more of a satanic accent. :P
  7. At work I don't have to stress on when I will be able to stop the train next so I can rush out the back cab door to burn one. Feels Good. :)
  8. w?
  9. I love soup, but I'm not a cook. :mellow: … I never used to put salt on my food either, but ever since I've quit smoking I've caught myself picking up the salt and pepper shaker. Also I've been using tabasco and eating jalapeños when I never did before. It's a mystery. :)
  10. t?
  11. m?
  12. BAT

    chicks or sticks

  13. For Ginger :P
  14. You get what King Joffrey ( G.O.T ). :P I insert a weed eater.
  15. BAT

    The Last Game

    Never. Don't read, don't cry. :P When was the last time you got a recipe off of YouTube. What was it?
  16. BAT

    chicks or sticks

  17. Congrats Aine. :)
  18. Quitting after 35 yrs of smoking, why hell yes I feel different. I feel a lot different. :)
  19. BAT

    Memorial Day

    Lest we forget.
  20. BAT


    Awesome !!!!

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