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Everything posted by Mastergardener

  1. Wow, that is great! Karen
  2. That is really super! Karen
  3. Yay and nope.
  4. Ten months is wonderful!
  5. Indeed WOW! That is so great!
  6. Said very quietly, nope.
  7. Oh my, can't even imagine that long.... Many, many congrats, Karen
  8. Wow Jen, That was quick, though maybe it didn't seem that way to you You are doing SO well! Karen
  9. Oh Evelyn, So good to hear. Yes, the physical pull should really go away now. The emotional will still yank your chain, and often, when you least expect it but losing the physical pull will help. I know once I stopped using the lozenges, I really felt a difference, and began to feel much better physically, blood pressure, etc. I'm rooting for both of us! Karen
  10. Oh Jess, So glad you came through okay. Keep very vigilant, because the monster is lurking very close. I think a close call can make it harder for a few days. Merry Christmas, Karen
  11. Merry nope!
  12. Rainy and nasty here, popped down to the grocery store for more butter, etc. just made sugar cookies and about to decorate the tree (we always decorate on Christmas Eve). Merry Christmas Evelyn, and to the little ones as well!
  13. That is SO wonderful, lead on!
  14. Merry Christmas and blessings to one and all of us.
  15. Wishing you and your family a VERY merry Christmas! Karen
  16. Oh Evelyn, I am so sorry. This can be such a very hard time of year to get through. Don't kick yourself, just stand up, dust off your hands and start walking. Hugs to you, Karen
  17. Oh Chrys, What a perfect time to post this! It is exactly what I am going through right now. Especially with being off work, my mind keeps going to thoughts of smoking., no, yes, no, yes, it is enough to drive you mad! I will try to do as you suggest and take control of my thinking. Thank so much, Karen
  18. Hi Rowly, I am just at 60 days as well and the past two days were absolute HELL. I am hanging on because Everyone has said it WILL get better at some point. And I remember a quote by someone about what if you quit right before it got easier? Just think if we gave up today and tomorrow was the day it was going to get easier??? Just try one day more, each day, Karen
  19. I admire you, Evelyn! I am another early to bed, very early to rise. Don't fall asleep at the service!

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