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Everything posted by Mastergardener

  1. Big congrats, ten months is wonderful!
  2. Just wonderful! Karen
  3. Congratulations on a month free, that is great!
  4. Woohoo! Wonderful! Karen
  5. Oh Chrys, You have described my struggle exactly. The promise of light at the end of the tunnel is all that keeps me going some days. Thanks for the light! Karen
  6. Very bestest wishes for the best, speedy recovery ever, Karen
  7. Wow, something to dream for....
  8. Yes, 32 outside. Nope.
  9. Like she would let you know how UN easy peesy it is?? Constipation and gas, oh yes, tell her to expect it to last a week or two, horrible, but it passes, hehe.... Best wishes to her!
  10. I so agree with Tracey. It is hard, but doable and can help SO much! Karen
  11. I got a Fitbit Zip for Christmas. I am way behind you all, but steadily increasing. I joined the group, now promise not to laugh at me! One problem I have is the Zip doesn't seem to recognize gardening as real movement
  12. Nope.
  13. http://allrecipes.com/recipe/pickled-.../ Chrysalis, You got me wanting to make some as well. The recipe above is quite different as it has beets, brown sugar, cloves and a cinnamon stick. I made it yesterday and have to wait five days to taste. I'll let you know what it is like! Karen
  14. Well, maybe having the flu will take your mind off smoking.... Get well, Evelyn!
  15. Oh DD, This is wonderful! You are a real inspiration! Celebrate big time!!! K
  16. Oh Nancy, what sad news and the time of year makes it that much harder. My thoughts are with you and your family, especially your parents. So hard for them, at their ages, to have a daughter sick. K
  17. I'm still here.
  18. You made me tear up, such a sweet husband......
  19. Wonderful, congratulations!

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