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Everything posted by Mastergardener

  1. Ha! I'm his #3 and he is my #2 but we've been married 33 years, with a few hiccups, so I guess we figured it out :wub:
  2. "On getting nonsmoker husband involved with early quit...You need to share some thoughts with your husband. Most of us are pretty dumb with the feeling stuff, so guidence is needed. And usually while a man listens he is thinking "What do I say to help, how do I help,..." Men dont usually just listen and go "OK" we arent programmed that way. We are fixers, not listeners. So figure out how to say it. "Hey I'm not asking for help, but this smoking thing got me messed up,....or I know you dont smoke but this stuff is hard, my skin is crawling can we go...to help get my mind off it" Give us husbands a chance to screw up. But point out your just venting, not looking for answers.Its too easy for us to say "Just suck it up and dont smoke" because they dont know how to fix it and are frustrated. Dont frustrate an idiot, help them help you." :::::::::::::::: Thank you Bakon, for the whole blog so far, but especially the above. My H quit 12 years ago and while he is very supportive, he gets a little testy if I talk too much about the process (and pain) of my quitting. I think he IS frustrated that he can't just fix it for me and at the same time worried that I might relapse. I was reading his testiness as his thinking I should just suck it up and get on with it. K
  3. I think what Chrysalis mentioned about patience is REALLY important. I have, over the past two months frequently beaten myself up over taking "too long" to feel better and feeling bad about the severity of the craves. I have had to step back and say to myself Hey, you smoked for 42 years! Why on earth would you think you can get past the addiction in a couple of months? Cut yourself a break, for Pete's sake. That has helped me to cope.
  4. 44 at 5:30am, going up to 75. Blue, blue skies. Love it!
  5. Isn't that neat? Nice to meet you!
  6. Good, just busy! Mom was from Wigan, just above Liverpool. Thanks for checking! K
  7. Good morning everyone! NOPE
  8. Thank you Action! Primroses I might not be so good at helping with, remember I am in hot South Carolina, not many primroses here! My mother was English and always missed being able to grow primroses in Florida which is where I grew up. I love best all the plants and flowers that don't grow well here. Must be a grass is always greener sort of person...... K
  9. I haven't figured out how to copy quotes yet so, to Chrispy: I am weaning off the lozenges, down to 3 or 4 a day now. And I would woof as well, but I don't have a dog right now. My GSH pointer died in 2006 and Poppy showed up on the doorstep in November of 2007 and decided to stay. She doesn't like dogs :angry: to S: Yes, I am a Master Gardener. The course is wonderful. You can do it online or in day classes in most states. You learn so much about so many things, from perennials to turf grass to insects and diseases and on and on. And you meet people as crazy as you are about gardening. I highly recommend it! And yes, I quit smoking Aug.11 and will go completely nicotine free Nov.3, if not before :) A little scared, but more excited... K
  10. Stressful morning, lots of work issues. Deep breathing helps. Will check in this evening. Thank you all so MUCH! Will get rid of the old, I promise!
  11. Again, thank you all for the welcomes, even the grumpy one. I like being old, means I can retire soon :) And sorry, but Poppy likes being an avatar.....
  12. Thank you all SO much for the words of encouragement. You are right, it IS much better to join in! And, her name is Poppy.
  13. Hi All, I have been lurking for a while now, but I guess it is time to come into the light. I smoked for 43 years, ye gods, that sounds terrible. I have tried to quit before, but never seriously. I mean, in the past, I felt I was giving up something I didn't want to give up. This time is different, I want to be free of the addiction. I went on a trip this past summer with an old work colleague who doesn't smoke and it brought home to me how addicted I was. The plane trip was hell. Trying to find places to smoke was a pain. Not being able to smoke when I first got up or after dinner, etc., etc. Then we both caught bad colds and I was really sick for a month after we got back. When I started wheezing, I knew it was time, or rather past time. So, here I am. I have two weeks of lozenge use left and then CT. All encouragement welcomed very much!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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