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Everything posted by Holski

  1. Love this, Marti. You are an inspiration to me, for sure. Thank You! :D
  2. Evelyn, you've been to hell and back. Don't give up. It WILL happen! N.O.P.E. ((Evelyn))
  3. I'm with ya Sue. I'll give it the superfinger!
  4. 8 months is very cool!! B) Congratulations!
  5. I'm not smoking today. NOPE!
  6. Teeeheee...tick...tock....
  7. Yay Mason!! 1 month is really really cool! I oughta know!!! ;)
  8. YAY!!! HOOORAY!!! You are rockin' it girl! :D Proud of you!
  9. Wow!! Thanks Marti and everyone!! It swells my heart with happiness to read all of your posts. That picture of me grinning that DD posted is accurate!! I'm not kidding. You are all very special people..er..cats...dogs...lambcats...pink smiley balls....let's say souls. You are very special souls. (((QT))) I'm gonna go eat all of those treats now!
  10. Hoooray for Susana!! That is totally awesome! :D I'm so glad you passed the tests and that you haven't smoked either! You rock!
  11. So I'm sitting at my desk at lunch and eating an almond joy. I just love them. I love chocolate. Needless to say, my weight is still the same as well.. too much. Not going up, though. Yay. Anyway, I am so happy to be smoke free today. I am going through the process of moving homes. My landlord decided to sell the house we (my family) rent. She didn't tell us and whamo, a bit over 3 weeks to move. What the?!?! Anyway, I had a freak out, I almost smoked but then I didn't. I know by now that it wouldn't solve anything, just make me feel worse. I used the tools I have learned from you people and am still smoke free! Can I have a "hallelujiah"! Signed a lease on another place and will be moving at the end of the month. I am going to buy a house in the next 2 years if it kills me. I've been comin' round these parts since November of 2011 and I have 28 days today. Sometimes it frustrates me. Boooooo! Of course, I know that as long as I don't smoke today, it will all be OK. I can deal with tomorrow, tomorrow. (((hugs to all of you)))
  12. Yay!! Susana, I'm so glad to read this! You are doing great! :D Keep kicking the Smokodemon in the junk! You got this!
  13. Hooray, Jackie66!! 6 months is super cool!! B)
  14. Awww Action, I'm so freakin' happy for you! :D 9 months is wonderful!!!!!!
  15. YAY!!! Way to go, shark buddy!! Half a year of not smoking. How cool is that?! :D
  16. I'm not smoking today. NOPE!
  17. I haven't and won't be smoking today. NOPE!
  18. What?!?! You are cute as a button but it is a bit disconcerting. ;) I'll just think of you as a kitty with a big nose and ears. Cuuuuute!!!
  19. WOW! Andrew, this is really really coooool! B)
  20. BABE!!!! I so appreciate you. Congrats on 2 freakin' awesome years! :D

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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