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Everything posted by Holski

  1. Aww he is too cute! You are a kind person. :)
  2. Thanks for this,Markus. Timing is perfect for me. I can definately feel that temper tantrum kid inside today. I shall call it Chucky or Damien. Bleh!!
  3. So I'm on my way out of town for the weekend. Wowee, huge road trip trigger! The weather is nice, deeeeeep breath. This is good. Get these triggers out of the way. Sent hubs into the gas station for some extra gum! Regular kind. Deeep breath! Smoking was killing me and im an addict and any relief I think I may feel is just crap!! I am a non smoker. I it will be so nice to noy have to worry about getting smokes in when I can. I am freeee! Ahhh... thats better.
  4. I'm not smoking today. N.O.P.E.! :)
  5. I really love this post, Aine! I loved those times when I'd realize, "Hey, I haven't even thought of a smoke for 'X' amount of time! What a relief that realization was!! And...congrats on the promotion! That is really cool. B)
  6. Hey welcome!! So glad you are here! This place is invaluable. :D
  7. Holy Shiz I am freakin' scary!!! Thanks everyone, again! Your comments bring tears to my eyes. Seriously! :)
  8. Yep, that's all you gotta do! Take it a step at a time. You Can Do It! :D You ARE doing it! :D
  9. HOO FREAKIN' RAY! :D What a wonderful group! OK, so, I finally made it to 6 months. 1 day at a time I haven't picked up anything and put it in my mouth and lit it on fire. What a relief! Seriously. No matter how I felt, I didn't do it. I read on this board and listened to other quitters. I have taken so many deeeeep breaths I'm surprised I haven't passed out at some point. ;) I am proud myself. MQ, thanks for the thread, it means a lot! :D I am a happy non-smoking shark today! Tracy, where in the heck did you find that pic. It is hysterical! (((Quittrain friends)))
  10. KS!!!!! 2 months is totally awesome and I hope you come around soon!
  11. Hi and great job! You quit! You did it! Now, remember that this is one of the best gifts you have ever given yourself. :D
  12. Hooooray Petra! 9 months is super cool! 8) Great job, woman!! :D
  13. I think this is fabulous!! Congrats, Amberdawn! :D
  14. I call window seat!! :D 10/10/13
  15. I hope your friend is OK. :( Addiction is a horrible thing, any way you look at it. I feel very fortunate to be here and have quit. Not everyone gets it, as we well know. I hope your friend will try now. I'm sending good thoughts her way.
  16. I just wanted to chime in here and say Welcome! You can totally do it. :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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