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Everything posted by Jenny

  1. I've only ever been to one tropical place and that was St. Thomas on my honeymoon. Would love to go again there or anywhere tropical. I love the sea and the sun. If I didn't live in Maine, I would move somewhere warmer with little or no winter weather. As I get older I appreciate the long cold winters less and less. I would move out West probably, less humidity and I have family in Arizona and New Mexico. The hubs and I talk about moving all the time. Want to wait until the girls are grown so they can experience their extended family being around.
  2. I think we need to know more about the QT Bandit! Do you really wear a skirt? How long have you been married? Do you like Cats?
  3. Jenny

    Ask RobF

    OMG Seriously! I love your sense of humor. Makes me laugh every time.
  4. Jenny

    Ask RobF

    You have a wonderful sense of humor. Do people take offense quite often or just go with it?
  5. Jenny

    Ask TAC!

    Missing you TAC. I hope you are ok. :cray:
  6. I am so sorry for you my friend. Proud of you for admitting it and getting back on the wagon. You can do this Hol! First thing you need to do is get it out of your head that smoking has anything to offer you.
  7. It must not have saved for some reason. :( Would you mind typing them again? I really want to know!!
  8. We stop at yellow lights because we're from out of town and we don't know where we're going. My favorite cheese is....
  9. Silence is golden, so stifle thyself~Archie Bunker

    1. Colleen
    2. Devil Doll

      Devil Doll

      Silence is golden and duct tape is silver >:)

    3. Nancy
  10. Pop in and tell us what we can do to help?
  11. When Harry met Sally. Love that movie, but then I love Billy Crystal. Pretty Woman runs a close second.
  12. Witness protection program. I miss her too. Maybe one day it will be safe for her to return.
  13. Commando at night for sleep, always. Bikini during the day. What I really prefer? Maternity undies. They are the BEST! I wore them for several years after each child until my husband begged me not to. lol
  14. I wanted to be famous. I guess at this point infamous is the most I can hope for. I dislike how mean people always think they are being honest, when really they're just being mean. Well Colleen, whenever we cross state lines into Assachussettes, we can't help but notice the overabundance of rude and obnoxious people. Many of these "people" will use unpleasant "hand signals" while in rush hour traffic.
  15. What's your middle name? Have you always liked counting games?
  16. hellloooooo....waiting
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YPHhnA14PGc
  18. Jenny

    Ask TAC!

    TAC, where are you? Come back and answer my questions. Are you working on your motor home? Where did you park it?
  19. When did you first decide to cheat at the numbers game? Why do you harass the Jenny? Are you going to stop playing the numbers game on your one year anny?
  20. I feel faint just thinking of THREE sessions. I have to get the "look" using the temp tattoos my kids use. lol
  21. Yes please! would love to see it when it's done!
  22. We could have a Boob party for Mike! I miss you so much Mike. I wish I had thought to get contact info for you. If you're out there please come see us. All your friends are here and want to see you!
  23. Your daughter is adorable and so are you!! Where do you live? I know you have a tattoo or tattoo's what are they of? (I have one small tattoo of a rose and I cried the whole time it was being done) lol----I'm just super wimpy that way.
  24. When did you get to be a cheese snob?
  25. I call you all my peeps on the board. Sometimes I say to much regarding what's going on and my husband gives me the eyeroll. :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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