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Everything posted by Kris

  1. Thanks Gary, I am going to get this done no matter what. It will be easier to walk off the weight when I can breathe K
  2. Okay, I think I have Boo (the person who forgot his pants) has the same name as the other Grandma in our family goes by Boo, Boo may play the banjo, so did my father. And likes to tell racy jokes. Do I have you correct? Doreen is free from cigarettes. Must have a big heart and is a real jewel. She may enjoy an adult beverage because she is saving me a seat at the nonsmokers bar. Do I have you correct? These are two people I have met at the party. K
  3. Thanks Jillar, found it, see the stuff you have shown me. I will keep on exploring. I feel like I have gone to a really great party and been introduced to a hundred new people. Now I need to remember everyone's name and the which story belongs to each of you. Thanks for sharing other ways I can get this done. K
  4. working it all, have a lozenge, air cig and just finished homemade bread for the neighbors. Once it rises and is baked I can deliver. I know I should not worry about the weight but I went thru heck to lose 20lbs. I will not let this stop me. Easier to lose weight than quit. I do not want to have to go thru this again. I had a small practice quit when I had surgery, just 24 little hours in the hospital. It was awful, in pain, could not smoke and a girl just could not get a diet coke. I drank so much water I got low sodium and they had to IV me some saline solution. Okay, gonna get back to distraction going to wipe down the bottom kitchen cabinets and the walls. Thank for letting me whine. K PS what is the notifications thing it pops up but I try to click on it and it disappears? .
  5. i am new to the board and am trying to learn how everything works. Opah told me just pick a thread and start going. What I have found on here is a bunch of funny guys that seem like they are at the bar having a beer and one upping each other. You are very good! I know my husband would have loved to play too. You have used some of the things he would have said. Thanks for taking me back to that time. I am "taking this to mattresses" I think that is how it goes K
  6. I have an arsenal but still struggling. Can't do anything real physical due to recent hip replacement. I can't get up or down very easy so only so much house cleaning I can do. I am currently smoking a plastic straw, seems to help some. When I am done with my straw it will bake to the kitchen to bake. keeps me busy...but we quit smoking for better health and I can't stop eating. I have to get control or I will have a whole other problem. I am no good with technology. I love the board, first time I have ever done this. Find myself getting frustrated when I can't get things work right and just that makes me want to smoke. K
  7. Abby, Thanks! I am not nicotine free yet. Using NRT to help me get thru the first part. I am using lozenges but starting my step down today. Put one in my mouth , set the kitchen timer for 2 minutes then take it out (this will sound gross) and place on a saucer. Wait until I get another bad crave and I will do all over again. I am hoping this will help me cut the NRT down and help me get to nicotine free. Hope this works. Has anyone else tried this method. PS Also having acupuncture three times a week and the always good old hard candy and lollipops. K
  8. Linda, First time looking at your thread. You could have a second career as a motivational speaker (typist) So glad to have positive input while I fight. K
  9. Well I am up. have that first thing in the morning crave but it is not as bad as yesterday. I slept well and it seems I am getting my feet back. I thought I would be over the worst of it by now but not yet. I am just going to focus on anything else today. Yesterday was such a b**** I thought I would break. I am glad I took advice from all of you, threw out everything that had to do with the habit, if you don't have em, you can't smoke em. K
  10. Thanks Opah, it makes me happy to know I can throw a fit and there is no judgement. So yes that is just what I did this afternoon. Bad thing was I got so worked up I gave myself a migraine. And to top it off I really want a smoke. Don't worry, nope. not going to do it!! Maybe you can help me with a problem. Are there any tutorials on using this sight. I have never joined a group like this and I can't figure out how everything works. Things just pop up and I don't know how or when or what to do. I feel like I am in a game of clue. I can't find a candlestick or the library. ( I think that was part of Clue) I think Boo won, he found his pants! K
  11. Dear Katgirl You are absolutely correct, I do suffer from depression, anxiety and panic attacks....have all my life. I do have professional care and crazy as it sounds when my husband was sick it kind of went away. I was so focused on his health that I did not have time to breathe. When he died I fell into a deeper black hole. Lord knows I try and try everyday. Sorry, just having a pity party today. K
  12. I am so happy for you...told you your smile would get it done!! K
  13. You may have just saved many people from public humiliation and/or arrest. I don't think that the police would accept your excuse for being without your pants. Just to be safe I may hang a pair on the coat closet door. You learn so much from the internet! K
  14. Okay Boo, this was the first time I have belly laughed since I started the quit. I sure hope you realized they were missing before you left the house. K
  15. Doreen, I guess I could but it would probably take all day. I don't have a cell anymore since I hardly leave the house. Have not taught myself to zoom or skype etc.... It is a little better today, I will keep an eye on it and if needed get myself to the doc. Thanks for your concern. I just have no clue why it happened. I had acupuncture on friday but they say that would have caused it. That is only new thing other than my quit. K
  16. Jillar. Thanks for asking, yes I still have what I call elephant feet and ankles. I cancelled my acupuncture today. Did not call the GP yet. I feel fine physically just mentally shut down today. don't want to get dressed or leave the house. If not better tomorrow I will see the doctor. K
  17. Dear Jillar,

    First let me say I love your profile pic, I am a April born Aries, so Easter would fall close to my birthday.  My mom and sis would always give me a bunny related gift, even my own real life bunny. I would love to volunteer but I suffer from chronic migraines so it is hard to keep any kind of schedule.

    As far as the dog fostering I would take them all.  I have three, two rescues I adopted(they are small dogs) then my best friend passed April 2020.  His brothers did not want to take his dog so he came to his next forever home with me. He is a 80# pureblood chow. He is the sweetest thing but hard for me with the bad hip. He loves to jump and play.


    1. jillar


      Oh yea, I remember you telling us about your pups :) My mom was an Aries, born in March. And I'm a Pisces, and have had two bunnies in my life. Both found me and came out of nowhere. They picked a good house too because I love animals lol!

  18. Linda, I know all of this is a normal part of life, we all are going to suffer loss, health issues,etc. Why do they have to come so fast. I am reaching out and know I have found all of you. I really appreciate everyone taking the time to offer advice and/or just chat! K
  19. Dear Katgirl You are absolutely correct, I do suffer from depression, anxiety and panic attacks....have all my life. I do have professional care and crazy as it sounds when my husband was sick it kind of went away. I was so focused on his health that I did not have time to breathe. When he died I fell into a deeper black hole. Lord knows I try and try everyday. Sorry, just having a pity party today. K
  20. Katgirl, I lost my husband 10 1/2 years ago. He was and is my only, childhood sweethearts. I have no desire to meet anyone else just want him to come back or come get me. For a few years after he passed I was in close contact with his friends from the USPS. Going for lunch and or dinner every weekend. But as we have learned the hard way, nothing is forever and that now includes smoking. I have to admit I like to smoke but it is not socially accepted anymore. People look down on you for it. They have their own issues that they do not face but think it is okay to judge you. That is something I can't take well. No one should stand in judgement of others. We all have a cross to bear. To be truthful I would not have quit without the medical issues coming into play. I hate to confess but I am all out of faith, strength, courage.....I have used it all up. The last little bit I have will use for the quit. K
  21. Not only the smoking thing, but constant death and loss of your family and friends. I have come to the conclusion that I am ANGRY, ANGRY and ANGRY. I am sick of doing everything by myself. I am so stupid thinking I can keep things under control when I can't. The only people I have left are my son and DIL and I will not put this on them. I don't want them to know how much I struggle. I miss all the simple things of everyday life. Sitting on the patio chatting and watching the dogs play, going to the grocery with someone to plan meals for the following week. Missing the fact my son is grown and I no longer have a home filled with hungry teenage boys, yelling like crazy playing video games. Missing those boys come in the kitchen and say Mrs. Mom, we need food, and my answer, I can fix that. Missing my husband taking me for ice cream or hot chocolate. Missing my Mom call that she had messed up the TV again and can I come fix it. I am tired and having a really bad day, Can anyone relate. I just want to scream and cry and beat my head against concrete. K
  22. Jillar. I kind of understand where you being uncomfortable in public. My sweet husband died of skin cancer that spread to his lungs. He had to be on oxygen for 5 years. Had the tanks in the house and a concentrator. My guy would not give up his freedom and they gave him one of the portables he could just wear it on his shoulder. He just hated it when working because there were nonstop questions. He did not want to spend his time on that, he just wanted to be seen as the hard worker he always was. He was so brave thru the whole thing. I would not be uncomfortable at all, you should not either. You have a challenging health issue but you deserve to do everything you can do and to ENJOY your life! If they stare just stare back and if they are rude give them hell. K
  23. Doreen, thanks for the reply, I am working on it. I am so bad right now I don't have the strength to shower or cook in the morning. I wish I could still work because I would have somewhere to get up and go to. Also working gives us social connection to others, but I am stuck here alone with my dogs (thank God for them) and it drives me crazy to be alone. K
  24. Katgirl I know I have to find something to distract me in the morning. I don't drink coffee, a diet coke girl here. Okay so don't laugh, I hope you have seen the commercial for Cheetos with Ashton Kutcher. Yes, that is what I do in morning now, grab a diet coke and a little bowl of C.heetos. I have to stop doing that before I start to gain weight, also my keyboard is turning orange LOL. God came thru this morning and made the craves let up. I was surfing the wave this morning but the shark did not catch me. k
  25. Dear God. Please be with us as we struggle to stay quit today. Today is my 9th day and for some reason up I woke with a terrible craving. Been doing okay but I think the mornings are the worse. When you have smoked as long as I have it is the first thing I would do when I got up. Does anyone else feel the torture in the morning? I know God that you have the power to heal all things. please be with ALL of us today!! K

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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