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Everything posted by Kris

  1. Kris

    Change A Letter Game

  2. Kris

    Shall We Rhyme?

    Dames will rule
  3. @Boo and @notsmokinjo @Boo I listened to the Zoo in the 80's! Gosh, you guys post so much fun stuff. @notsmokinjo I finally understand the girls loving a guy in uniform! K
  4. Try reading a riveting yarn Bacon
  5. Employee Assistance Program
  6. Kris

    Game *The Food Game*

    apple pie
  7. @MarylandQuitter You are a tough guy! You tell it like it is even if we don't want to hear it. I am lucky I do not have a job to worry about, no divorce (widow), most of everyone has already died, sick, yes but have been sick from things I had before quitting so they do not count. I already have the skillet for cooking but am not opposed to hit myself in the head if need be. LOL
  8. Vine
  9. Kris

    Change A Letter Game

  10. Kris

    Shall We Rhyme?

    That's all folks
  11. @MarylandQuitter I will be the first to say I do not consider myself to be a smart person but I have experienced things that involve the NIH and the FDA. My husband was diagnosed with a rare form of skin cancer. We were given 2 years at the most. Started traditional chemo to slow disease progression. All that time I was searching for something. I found a clinical trial through the NIH, we went to to our oncologist, he informed us the chemo was not helping. Then he said there might be a trial for us. I said I know and pulled out the information I had printed out. He said yes, that is the one. I was already ahead of the doctor. Yes we do have to advocate, be informed and make decisions about our care. We lived in Texas, the trial was in Arizona. I contacted them and sent all of my husband's records. We were invited to enter the trial. They paid for airfare, hotel, rental car and meals. They were wonderul to us. Most of all the drug was oral in nature and did not make him sick, they paid for all the ct scans. pet scans, blood work, surgeries my husband had. From this trial we went from a year or so to getting five years and one month. My husband was able to continue with work that he loved. My husband got to see our son graduate from high school and enter college. I (and I am sure my husband) was proud that I found out a couple of months after my husband died this drug was approved for brain cancer in children which gave them a quality extended life with their families. So, yes I do support the NIH/CDC and that people research,learn all they can and be proactive in their/families healthcare. So I say research, read, be proactive and most of all we all know the danger of smoking. You can quit, it will take effort but there are people that will help you!!
  12. Reach individual goals however tough puppy
  13. Kris

    Shall We Rhyme?

    lure in voters
  14. Excite everyone everday
  15. Kris

    Game *The Food Game*

  16. brie
  17. @KatgirlI must admit that I really try to not pay attention to the news to much. The only thing that matters is your opinion and your doctors advice. Society in general, with the advance of technology has gone beserk. I have not even heard about the fertility issue. I can understand the concern that as a couple that experienced that first hand. They could never explain why my husband had a low count and not good swimmers. Was it because he was a preemie way back in 1959, was it because he came of age in the 70's when smoking weed was his thing and smoking cigarettes was mine. Who knows...there are so many things out there now that damage is being done to so many of our young people that won't be known for decades. My Mom passed a couple of years ago at the age of 90. She never drank, smoked and for most of her life did not eat meat. She worked hard, kept a huge garden with fruit trees, canned and preserved her food. She walked miles everyday when she got older. It was not her body that gave up it was dementia in the end. Each person must weigh the pros and cons of their life decisions and do what they feel is right for them. I wish I had not smoked all those years but that was a decision I made. I and I alone am responsible for that. I do not think we will know the damage or see a complete return to normal in our lifetimes. I just pray that society recognizes the danger of the possiblities in the future of the world and is more prepared than we were this time.
  18. Kris

    Covid up tick

    Linda. I did have two vaccines and will take a third when available. That said, I have never stopped wearing a mask, social distancing, and staying home when possible. I do go out for groceries, the doctor, shopping when I just have to have a break from the house. This Covid thing is the new normal, it won't go away anytime soon. We just have to be proactive in how we react to it. My son thinks I am crazy but I have stocked up on everything I need to run smoothly. Now when he comes by he checks what I have. Now he remembers those times when he had moved out but came home and raided the pantry and the bathrooms. LOL I will not run out of TP, dog food, food for me, batteries, flashlights etc. It is a sad way to live but my old saying "safe not sorry".
  19. Linda. I totally respect your hesitation in giving up your home. I know you care deeply about your guy. I will never be in that position because that is what I have chosen. Keep your home until and split time between both places. Never give up anything that makes you feel safe and secure. I often think I should sell my home but I do love it. For now there is no where I would rather be. I am sorry that you were so sick after the shingles vax, I did not have any problems. I get every vax available. If we look back in history we can see the overall advantage. Look how far things have come. There are many diseases that have been eradicated by advances in science and medicine. My husband participated in clinical trials for his cancer. It gave him many more years with us and he would be proud that one of the drugs was FDA approved to treat brain cancer in children. It did not cure it but gave families more time together. Everyone's outlook on these things is different. For me if there is a vax to prevent or cause a lesser case I will take it. If I get sick with something that has clinical trials, I would do them. I have lived a long life, I am no longer afraid to step forward and help for the future. We are leaving here the same way. Better to leave something behind that might help others.
  20. Get two yams
  21. Kris

    Game *The Food Game*

    Arancini ( @Linda , making lasagna soon)
  22. Will all kittens escape soon Paris
  23. 5. Flowers
  24. your timing sucks
  25. Kris

    Change A Letter Game


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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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