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Everything posted by Kris

  1. And so it starts, People shooting of fire works or something, dogs going beserk. Why Why Why?
  2. @jillar is right, if you can't reach the doctor, make sure you read all the information that came with your NRT, google it. You can get very sick from nicotione overdose if you do not use them correctly.
  3. @Davevat1Hi Dave, I quit after the doctor call too. It has been six months. I agree with @CbdaveYou just need to get rid off the smokes and the butts. I know you are afraid, how will you cope. I look back at all the overwhelming events of my life and smoking did not keep any of them from happening. So just accept that smoking does not solve a problem. It will only bring more, your health will continue to decline. You heard it from the doctor. It is the truth, many here can confirm. I used NRT to start, many went cold turkey. You have to look deep and hard into your truth. Make your decision on how you want to handle it. Do not kid yourself, you have to do it and you can do it.
  4. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Just baking bread for tomorrow, no fireworks, just flourworks. No liquid fun in the house and I am not going out just to get that.
  5. They are beautiful. My sister has chickens and I get some fresh from there. They are what all eggs should be.
  6. I have been trying to figure why I am having intense craves all day. I know things to do but I am worn out today with it. It has been hard every hour. I am trying to not be angry about it. I thought the worst was over but I guess I will have to expect that was in awhile it will get to the unbearable stage. I will not break.
  7. Back, awake, again! I laid down but never did get into a true sleep, just dozed on an off. You that suffer from insomnia know what I mean. Decided just to give up and get up. Today will be crap but maybe I will sleep well tonight. So, Good Morning!
  8. @Sal Hope your still trying, don't stop trying. You can do it. You have to do it. I remember when I got the call from the doctor telling me I had the beginning of emphysema. I knew I had to do it. I cried and smoked for a couple of days. Told myself when the last cigarette was gone, that I was done. That was it, I have not had one since. I still cried alot for awhile, hardly ever now. I started out taking an hour at a time, then I had a day, and I just kept fighting and here I am at 6 months. I am of to sleep now. Just know you matter!
  9. @BAT, Opah is off hunting wild pigs, he said he would be back at the new year.
  10. Kris

    Covid up tick

    @BAT I am glad the test was negative but you should stay in the Bat cave for a few days to make sure you are okay!
  11. @Bassman Thank you for sharing this story. You have given us proof positive that we doing this for the right reasons. It is not just about our health but also the other people in our lives. It will help so many give up smoking and giving others the encouragement to save their life.
  12. Just finished up washing all the dogs bowls and mop the kitchen floor. Grabbed the box of chocolate covered cherries on the way back to the couch, needed something to do while the floor drys. No one will every know I already killed a box.
  13. @Boo I am having the adventure of bathroom cleaning day, which we all hate. I could throw your word in here, but I don't want Bob to feel connected to toilet cleaning. LOL
  14. I am guilty of to much salt or mustard. You have to find just the right balance to go the the pickles, olives etc that you might add to the filling. That is why I was only allowed to boil and peel LOL
  15. @Sal So glad you came back to the board, we really want to help, You need to tell us about your struggle so we can help you. Quiting is different for everyone. The people here are my salvation, they let me know I could do it and gave me tools and support everyday. They can help you too!!
  16. @Sal We have not given up on you, so don't give up on us. We are here and will be here. Keep staying positive, keep trying, talk to us about how you are feeling. Sooner than later it will get better.
  17. Kris

    Covid up tick

    I am sorry you have family that contracted the virus. I think you are right, it will be another thing that will have to do yearly or more often than that. For many it will mean a more restricted life for sometime in the future.
  18. I will give it a try. I know I should these things but when I stopped working years ago. I did not want anything to do with a computer or a phone. Everything I knew, I lost on purpose. I wish I could do that with smoking as well.
  19. That is th one, just love it, gives me such peace and comfort. Thanks for doing that for me. I know how get it online but not how to put it here
  20. @BAT If I know how I would add...Van Morrison's Into the Mystic
  21. Yes Sir Officer
  22. Kris

    Game *The Food Game*

  23. @Gus I am so sorry it was so rough for you. I feel the same way. I have found I would just rather be home alone. I just don't have the strength to pretend anymore. Everyone finally gets it and I am given a pass to come and go at will.
  24. Kris

    Game *The Food Game*

  25. Told us loud

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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