I smoked for a little over 22 years. Gave them up at 41. First it was social, then smoking became a coping tool for PTSD and an anxiety disorder I developed while in the military. I managed to retire from the Air Force, but smoked the entire time just to deal.
I quit 8 Jan ‘21....132 days as of today. Never touching another cigarette again. I used the tobacco-less nicotine pouches as a way to still get my nic fix....this is my first day without those...we’ll see how that goes.
Honestly, I am so pissed off at myself that I didn’t quit sooner. I look at my wife and kids and just have serious regrets about not quitting sooner. Not only that, but after four months my breathing is still not great. It’s okay, but I was surprised how out of breath I would get because I didn’t get out of breath like this while smoking! It’s not extreme, but I do feel like I have to take more deep breaths more often. Sometimes it’s my anxiety disorder, sometimes I am short of breath, but that’s when I’m pushing myself on longer walks. It’s like I’m trying to eat right & exercise away the mistakes of the past 20+ years. I want to be active, I want to have my breath back. In the past month I’ve probably walked 60 miles or more (at least 2 miles a day).
Question for the forum...how long did it take you to get back to better breathing and feeling better? I know I need to be patient and that lung healing will take time, but my anxiety disorder messes with me.
Thank you for any inputs!