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Everything posted by Katgirl

  1. Katgirl

    chicks or sticks

  2. Just Breathe!
  3. NOPE, Not today!
  4. Katgirl

    chicks or sticks

  5. Yes. I use a French Press or do a pour over with my goose neck kettle, and a mesh strainer. My son, Ian, and I are both into making the best cup of coffee we can. It’s something special we have in common. We are both such nerds!
  6. Walking several times a day is a great stress buster. Any activity that requires using both the mind and body, helps distract from the stress. The brain cannot really focus on two things at the same time, so doing something constructive will short circuit the anxiety symptoms. When my anxiety gets particularly bad, usually when I am quietly at rest, I do what my therapist calls “square breathing”: breathing in through my nose to a slow 4 count, holding my breathe for a slow 6 count, and exhaling through pursed lips to a slow 8 count. I do it between 3 and 10 times in a row, until I feel calmer. It’s a great tool.
  7. I really wanted a cigarette with my morning coffee today. I could picture myself lighting up and enjoying it. I guess the psychological addiction is rearing it’s ugly head. I wasn’t tempted, exactly, but I sure did miss what has been part of my morning routine, for years. So, I have tried to make my morning routine special, in another way. My son gave me a nice coffee grinder for Christmas, which I hadn’t really tried out yet. So, I went out and bought some beans, and ground them , myself, for my morning coffee. Perhaps changing up my routine , a bit, will help me not miss that first cigarette of the day so much.
  8. Katgirl

    chicks or sticks

  9. Katgirl

    chicks or sticks

  10. Pretty wicked kicks said Mac yhjva
  11. Isn’t sex terrific
  12. She wore nice crystal earrings. kpdsi
  13. Those of us who put things in our mouths, then deliberately set them on fire, and inhaled them, multiple times per day, for many years, are probably going to have some reduced lung function. It’s just what happens. All we can do is keep our quit, and not make it any worse. I noticed over the years that suddenly, when I would get an upper respiratory infection, it would always morph into asthmatic bronchitis. Why? I am guessing the smoking had a lot to do with it. The reality is, we knowingly harmed ourselves. The good news is we made the decision to “stop it!” Now we must deal with any lasting consequences. Having said that, we should not beat ourselves up over it. It’s pointless! Rather, we should be proud of having quit, because we all know how hard it was, and resolve to live the healthiest lifestyle we can, from this point forward.
  14. 1 walk about 20 minutes once, sometimes twice a day. I take my dog with me. He stays at my side. It’s good for him, too, because he is always where I am. So, if I am just laying around, so is he. I will gradually increase my time and speed, but for being 9 days in, I feel like I am doing this the right way. Also, I am 70, so there’s THAT!
  15. Katgirl

    chicks or sticks

  16. Welcome aboard! As others have said, see your Doctor. There are Pulmonary Function Tests he can order, to rule out COPD. I can relate to your confusion about whether your shortness of breath is related to your lung function or your anxiety disorder. For me, who also suffers from an anxiety disorder, I sometimes have trouble distinguishing between an episode of tachycardia that is related to my heart issues, and/ or an anxiety attack. So, I get what you mean about your anxiety disorder messing with your head. Since you have been pushing yourself, by walking every day, you are going to tax your lungs and heart, which is a good thing. But, please see a Doctor about your being short of breath. Maybe, in the meantime, dial back your walking speed or distance, until your Doctor gives you the “all clear.” By the way, I am a retired RN. Oh, and Thank you for your service to our country. My son is in the USAF.
  17. Katgirl

    chicks or sticks

  18. I am walking daily, for the exercise, and as a stress buster. Whatever I can do do alleviate anxiety, is a big help. Anything that helps me feel better is a reward.
  19. I Intellectually, I know you’re right, but it’s sometimes hard to forgive one’s past indiscretions, especially for someone, like me, who spends an awful lot of time in her head! I will try to be more forgiving of myself, and look forward, not backward….
  20. As I mentioned before, you hangin’ in inspired me to hang in. So, thank you for that. I knew that if you were still here, that I could persevere, as well. And , I guess, in a nutshell, that is how this place works, …..
  21. Nice!. I love dive watches! Like most who wear them, I am strictly a “desk diver”. I belong to a watch forum, where we post a wrist shot of which one we are wearing each day. I enjoy hanging out there. It’s a bunch of guys from all over the world……….. and ME!
  22. Am I the newest newbie here? I don’t like being the newest quitter! I could have had 12 years, if I didn’t relapse in 2015. Dammit! All over a stupid romance…. How dumb is that?! I had 6 years under my belt, and now I have 8 days. Wow! I really blew it. I guess I am thinking about the past and getting angry at myself. That’s probably not helpful. On a positive note, I am keeping busy, as much as one can in retirement, during a pandemic. Speaking of the pandemic, my youngest son, Ian, who serves in the USAF, and is in Japan, got the J and J vaccine yesterday. Poor thing was sick as a dog: fever, chills, awful headache, the whole nine yards. The good news is that all 4 of my kids are now vaccinated. Yay! So, Things are looking up, COVID wise, for my gang, at least. …..
  23. Katgirl

    chicks or sticks

  24. Katgirl

    chicks or sticks


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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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