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About Barb63

  • Birthday 09/24/1957

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    Philly Pa USA
  • Quit Date
    March 17, 2021

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  1. Fantastic on 22 days quit. I too have COPD it is mild when I was told I quit to. That was 13 yrs ago. Walking helped me. I do a daily inhaler. 

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  2. I picked up 2 week supply of 21mg PATCH for 5th & 6th week. 

    The first time the pharmacy gave me 28 21mg Patches to last 4 weeks.

    I expected the lower dose this time so not sure why I got 21mg and only 2 weeks instead of 4 weeks. 

    Tomorrow I begin my 5th week, even though I have had troubling days, it is a miracle I am able to do this. 

    I just cannot cave to this addiction ever. 


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    1. jillar


      I'm interested why it's prescribed to you since the patches don't require a prescription? At any rate after six weeks on the 21mg it would be time to step down. The idea is to get off nicotine altogether eventually :) 

  3. But God, that quickly? I heard some people have that cough for years. We are fortunate.
  4. 27 Days since my last cigarette. 

    I was standing at the bus stop, some guy lit one up 

    and it still smelled good to me. This is one DEEP obsession. 

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    1. Robbie


      You're doing a great job Barb63 27 days is a milestone! I still like the smell of cigarettes, but I'm told that this passes and they start to smell horrible...am so looking forward to that time. When someone walks past me who's been smoking, I can't believe how strong the smell is and I think, "Gosh, I used to smell like that for years and years!". Maybe try smelling something lovely each day, a flower, some soap or a favourite fragrance. I do this and it reminds me what I've been missing out on...I find it amazing! All the best to you.

  5. The last few months especially I was coughing constantly. Shortness of breadth. 3RD day it all went away, just like you. How is that possible?
  6. Hard to believe something as small and as stupid looking as a cigarette is could have the control it does . When I used to think about the pull, you inhale smoke to exhale it back out. Like WHY? Really think about that. That is what non smokers see. They see something that looks stupid. Because in reality, it does.
  7. I am just about the same as you, 63, smoked 40 years and have early COPD. And this Day 26 smoke-free. My cough and escalated breathing when I climbed stairs stopped by my 3rd day. I now have no issues, don't quite understand how that is possible. I am on the PATCH. Doctor gave me lozenges also but I don't like them so just keeping them for a rainy day once the PATCH 3 month program is done. Just take one day at a time. I never thought I would wish for time to pass but I sure wish I had 6 months behind me. Its a fragile time. We have to do this.
  8. Nice to meet you Robbie . Without the Patch when I tried to stop in the past I felt like I was having a nervous breakdown, I would cry and actually felt if I didn't get a cigarette I would fall over the edge. With the Patch I don't . I guess those feelings were from the physical withdraw. I can't even imagine how I would last going through both the physical and mental withdraw the same time. The mental need and addiction is bad enough.
  9. The pull is strong. Since Saturday this has been one tough week. 4 days in a row (days 23,24,25,26, have been the toughest yet) 

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    2. Mee


      You are stronger than those craves.  Keep that beautiful quit going. Barb63

    3. Barb63


      it is like a yo-yo. You would think with each passing day it would get easier but its like 3 days ok then 2 difficult, 2 good days and then 3 difficult. Just up and down day after day. I guess I just want to get to a point where I stop wanting.

    4. jillar


      You will barb, it just takes time. You have to remember we smoked a lot of years so there's a lot of triggers to get past. That's why we recommend staying close here an entire year, to help you get past them 🤗


  10. My quit day is the same as yours and the last 3 days have been the hardest . I am so preoccupied with missing a cigarette and wanting one.
  11. True. This is maddening. I wish cigarettes were like alcohol to me, I could have a drink and not have another for 10 years. I don't get addicted to alcohol .
  12. Something like these. Just google 'fake cigarettes'. Maybe holding one and pretending to smoke it .....maybe it will help with the mental need of the actual activity of smoking.
  13. I can just imagine walking down the street smoking invisibly.
  14. I was going to save my last cigarette and put tape around it to keep it intact to use as a pretend smoke but I broke my last 2 . I found fake cigarettes online, 2 in a package for a few bucks, I am going to get them and pretend smoke. I do think they will be helpful.
  15. This made me laugh. Ha! Thanks.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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