Blimey y’all! I was pulled up out of a deep sleep because I was wanting a cigarette. I was drowning in the want of it. If I’d have had a pack close I would have probably chewed on one while I was trying to get another lit. What on the blinking bloody earth was that?! I mean Bible came to mind....pacing to and fro, looking for whom he might devour. I was kind of frightened there for a second! And my toes and fingers are constantly tingling! Driving me nuts! I know what that is, but it needs to stop. I need to get a sound sleep for once! I’m angry! I literally would smash someone’s face in if they were to talk to me right now and that’s being nice. And this is the one thing I remember from the only other time I ever tried to quit smoking. It’s why my husband drove to the store, bought cigarettes, came home, lit one, shoved it in my mouth and yelled smoke it, just smoke it at me! I could literally kill someone right now. And yet I never reached over, grabbed one of the nicotine patches that I had left and slapped it on. Why is that? Because I’m a quitter that’s why and quitters don’t quit, their quit!!!
I was going to delete this before I click submit, like I do most of my posts, but I think this one needs to stay. For me.
And now, I think I can find that deep, peaceful sleep that I’ve been longing for.
Disclaimer: I stole that title.