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Everything posted by Linda

  1. Thank you all for caring, you all are my family that I picked!!!! Hope I can do that for all of you! ❤
  2. @jillar I just feel like a broken record playing the same song over and over. Think it time for a soaking in a hot tub with a glass of wine with some lavender candles thanks for listening
  3. @jillar I know it is and I know it will pass.But it is hard, I watched my sisters go through this and my husband who I loved dearly at only 55. So I'm having a little pity party tonight.
  4. @Diane Thanks it does help to know people care and understand
  5. Spent that day with my friend yesterday who is sick. It was a hard evening when I got home last night. Brought back memories that try to put out of my mind. I really wanted to smoke and was very anxious. Same today. But I'm not!!! Trying to figure out other ways to handle that kind of stress which smoking was always my go to. I know that's crazy. Just venting about it helps. Life on lives term I know are not always pleasant things. I just know I need Other ways to deal with them. But sad and stressed at the same time are not a good combo for me,as I write this in tears I tell myself this to shall pass!!!
  6. One day the mountain that is in front of you will be so far behind you it will barely be visible in the distance but the person you become is learning to get over it that will stay with you forever and that is the point of the mountain
  7. @Katgirl That to funny! But I will tell you I am alone and that does make it hard while trying to quit smoking. Especially in the evening. That's why we have all these wonderful people on the train, They have saved my but several times. Yes it does sound like he needs a decorator lol
  8. @KatgirlThat was definitely a God wink with your doctor. You are doing great!!! You've got this. Keep up the good work.I know what you mean about the drugs. It seems like that's all the doctors want to do is add another pill. I worked as EMT-SPEC and around medical slot. My doctor tells me quit looking stuff up I'm going to take your computer away lol but he knows me too. You have got to be your own best advocate. Hang in there girlfriend
  9. @Opah I'm doing ok, I'm glad I could help. That SOS is the only thing that saved my butt that night. But see you made that great choice on your own. You are stronger then you realize. Keep up the good job. Use that SOS if you need it but I think you got this
  10. @Opah Good for you!!! Congratulations for the win!!
  11. Linda

    Game *The Food Game*

  12. Linda

    Game *The Food Game*

  13. Linda

    Game *The Food Game*

  14. Linda

    Game *The Food Game*

  15. You've always had the power my dear you just had to learn It for yourself
  16. Hope is important because it can make the present moments less difficult to bear if we believe that tomorrow will be better we can bear a hardship today
  17. @Gus I had many days like that, crying all the time and angry all the time and mean didn't even like myself some days little own any other people. Good to come here and rant and get that out!!!! We all understand , I know I have done my share of that here that it what got me through to as far as I am. So hang in there you are doing great!!!
  18. Linda

    Game *The Food Game*

  19. Linda

    Game *The Food Game*

  20. Linda

    Game *The Food Game*

  21. Reset readjust restart refocus as many times as you need to!!!!
  22. Remember that really crappy time when you were going through hell you weren't sure you could handle much more it seemed your world was crashing down and you just wished it would end you handled it its over and you made it
  23. Hope your feeling better Gus, you've got this you are doing great!!!
  24. Congratulations Sirus and all your support to us newbies
  25. Linda

    Game *The Food Game*


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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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