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Up In Smoke

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Everything posted by Up In Smoke

  1. Well I had a visit to an ENT doctor this morning and he gave me the long face....Surprise, surprise...Told me I needed to quit dipping now! Well, I told him I had been quit for a measly 3 days...Scared me enough to know I am done with it that's for sure....He did say he saw no signs of throat or mouth cancer though that was good...But told me if I did not stop I was going to be in trouble down the road.....Life just keeps getting shitty and shittier everyday. On s side note quitting was for my wife who is disabled and unable to do somethings herself....It's her I am concerned about not me.
  2. Great! Now pass the salt and pepper....!
  3. Fine thank you....Just need a few railroad spikes to chew on you got any?
  4. I will use whatever I can if it keeps the dip out of my mouth....And who the hell is this Spitzer fellow? Some Anti-Smoking god?
  5. Your talking about this: https://hoochsnuff.com/Store# Been considering the Cinnamon....Might not be a bad idea....
  6. Challenge accepted..7/12/20 Today will be the day....So far so bad....Getting worse.
  7. It's not vaping as your not actually inhaling anything..Its stuff that you put between your cheek and gum....@notsmokinjo what are nrt's? I have set Monday as my quit date we will see how it goes....Just got to figure out how to get past that morning craving thats so strong.
  8. You're welcome.....
  9. I am not smoking....I went from smoking to smokeless tobacco.....My worst times is after I eat and the first thing in the morning......One is just s bad as the other....
  10. Chantix is too dangerous it's not worth the risk in my book...
  11. Hello all...I have most likely crashed and burned about as much as anyone here...I had been smoking since I was seventeen. Smoked all through my time in the military and even after I got out...Then about oh 10 years or so I found smokeless tobacco, boy was that a mistake! I have tried patches, gum etc and never made it more than 3 days...I have Chantix but I am afraid of it after all the research I have done..I dropped alcohol like a hot potatoe but nicotine is the worst...!!!! At this point I don't know what to do....Cold turkey is not an option I have tried that and it did not work....

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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