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About idontsmoke

  • Birthday February 3

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    Seattle, WA
  • Interests
    Keto enthusiast, tabloid star and nuclear physicist
  • Quit Date

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  1. NOOOOOPE!!!
  2. I haven't been around much but I've kept my quit thanks to your guys' support! THANK YOU!!
  3. NOPEY NOPE!!! Despite many cues and triggers today. Its getting easier. At least for now it is. Just for today.
  4. Thanks all. I'm doing much better today I hope all of you are too!!
  5. I am from California (currently living in Seattle) I have multiple family members -- including my kids' dad and my sister -- who live way too close to some of the fires. This is stressful. This is not, however, reason to vape. The thought that it will help anything is ludicrous. It wont help them. It wont help me. It wont relieve any stress or anxiety. What it will do is put me back on the path to self destruction. Affirmations FTW
  6. Thank you LInda and CONGRATS ON ONE WEEK. You're a rockstar. I'm so glad we are both here
  7. I'm starting to feel better. The power of fellowship around a common goal is magic
  8. NOPE NOPE NOPE IS RIGHT I'm feeling better after posting. I'm filling out onboarding paperwork and am planning a big sloppy bowl of ice cream tonight
  9. After five months of looking and interviewing I finally landed a job! I accepted the offer an hour ago. I can't stand the craving....the association with something exciting I guess. How do you celebrate when you no longer smoke, vape, drink, do drugs....and youre on a diet....I think I've finally put the thought of *actually* going up to 7-11 out of my mind but I could still use some support!
  10. You're awesome, John, thank you
  11. I see what my addiction is doing.... I'm revising my resume. When I got to the job I held in 2016 it triggered a memory of that time...I was living with my partner at the time and we both vaped. So now I'm craving like crazy. I know its because of the mental and emotional association, you stupid addiction, now leave me alone! Boy you're tricky and insidious
  12. Thank you Linda! How are you doing?
  13. Guys guys guys....its been a dumpster fire lately but I'm still here. Thank you for reminding me that the cravings WILL decrease as time goes by as long as I don't give in. I've had several significant quits in my life but this is by far the longest I've gone still having cravings. Seems like last time after about three weeks or so they were manageable and infrequent. At 2.5 months I'm still having several an hour and they are very strong. IDK what changed, other than this time I quit vaping, not smoking. Cigarettes are supposed to have more addictive chemicals besides nicotine so you'd think it would be harder to quit cigs. Who knows. All I know is that I need to hang onto my smobriety the way I've held onto my sobriety (which by the way is much easer to maintain) Still, its helpful to be reminded of that so thank you to all who have reminded me.
  14. NOPE!! NOPE!! NOPE!! NOPE!!
  15. NOPE....its been an hour at a time the last several weeks and today is shaping up to be the same but NOPE. Someday the cravings will stop, right???

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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