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About Nana20

  • Birthday March 28

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    Reading, Spending time with my family, Hiking, Camping, Fishing. A lot of out doorsy kind of stuff....
  • Quit Date
    February 28,2022

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  1. I made this commitment in 2020 I made that commitment then a few short months later I relapsed. I am not okay with the relapse. It is not okay to relapse. I am determined to be that non-smoker. I remember that my pledge to this commitment it was one of the best pledges I made. It helped me quit. So here I am I making that pledge again. I am pledging to this commitment. Nana...
  2. Hey Sunnyside, I to am back here with my tail between my legs. Although I am just starting my journey today. I hope we can give each other encouragement and help each other through the rough patches. I don't want to say welcome back, because if your like me being back at the beginning was someplace I never wanted to be again. I really enjoyed not being a smoker. So I will say lets beat this together.
  3. I'm not a newbie. I have been here before. Normally I go the Chantix route. This time I am going cold turkey. I can give all the excuses in the book as to why I relapsed this time. My marriage ended, I started a job and within the first 3 weeks I was promoted (which is a good thing, but still stress on top of the emotional stress I was already under) I moved a 1000 miles away from all of my support. My kids, my grandson. But at the end of the day they are all excuses. Excuses doesn't change the fact that here I am relapsed at the end of October. I was quit for a year and a half. So for the last 4 months I have been smoking, I have kicked myself in the butt from day one. So I came back to the one place that has always helped me when I was going through the thick of it. I came here. I hope that I am welcome, but will understand if I am not. I come because I don't want to smoke with every cigarette and every pack I say this is it. No more. I don't want to smoke. After this pack I am not buying no more and I am done. Then the next thing I know is that I am at the store buying another pack of cigarettes. So instead of going to the store this morning. I decided to come here and post. The only way I am going to quit is to take accountability. SO here I am. Nana
  4. I am here to pledge another year smoke free. Right now I am 1year 3months and 2weeks smoke free so here is to making it another year.
  5. Thank you everyone I am beyond happy to have achieved this milestone.
  6. So here we are a little under a month away from the date I wrote this a year ago. I came I made this pledge and I have officially made it a year without smoking. I have not done anything to deter me from my path. I did it this time guys, no cheating, no anything. I made it. When I decided to come here and post about my one year being behind me. I had all these lessons I had learned. When in reality it took a lot of hard work,dedication, and determination. So I am here to tell you if your scared do it anyway.
  7. I am now officially smoke-free and have been for over a year now. I went to St. Augustine Fl for the day (I happen to live in Florida). Spent it with my Daughter and her boyfriend and a dear old friend. Not One Puff Ever. The NOPE really works. Nana
  8. Well it has been 6 months and I am still going strong. I haven't had a crave or urge in a while. I am still climbing. Each day is easier and easier. Most days I don't even think about it. I just wanted to let you guys know how I am doing. Nana
  9. NOPE!!!
  10. You do it in whatever fashion you can. If you can only handle a minute at a time do that. If an hour doesn't seem that far do that. Just breathe, stay close to the board, and reach out if you need any help. We are here if you need us. Also don't forget to post an S.O.S. if you feel like you are going to relapse. Remember post and wait for at least 2-3 replies. You got this!!!
  11. Congratulations on keeping your quit safe!!!!
  12. N.O.P.E. Not today, Not today....

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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