I really am concerned (yet, do not seem motivated to DO anything about it) that my quit is only as good as my best day and the choice to remain at home (vs. risking virus laden gas station). I am not having deep overwhelming cravings, I am not roller-coastering on emotion, for these gifts I am grateful. The junkie thinking is here.
think again, get right with myself, call an ally, post an sos
As the covid -19 virus ramps up in my community (and so many others) ... I hope that I am solid in my quit if someone close to me becomes gravely ill.
think again, get right with myself, call an ally, post an sos
The way the virus kills is terrifying to me. you'd think I'd keep the same thoughts close about smoking. because that is true, too.
Happy to spend time with my marvelous man. happy to walk with my cat. happy to plant seeds.
noticing how my breathing is rarely painful. noticing that I am able to increase my heart rate and feel less winded. noticing I am less aware of how my breath smells (not sure that's a good thing).
need to take more breaks outside, haven't just sat outside since i quit.
big emotions swirling around, Mom's bday is tomorrow. glad she has friend to celebrate with.
the surrealness of so many being on lockdown, the horror the health care folks and those that are seriously ill are experiencing, my complete amazement(?) at national leadership....just want to cry.
tired, tired, tired...taking otc sleep/pain stuff for last few days....s l o w.
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