Hello @StruggleDaily.
I too was a 50 year plus smoker. Just celebrated 10 months clean. Also cold Turkey this time along with the Allen Carr Easy Way book.
Just work through the first days and weeks stacking up the time clean. Very soon your quit will become something you have pride in achieving each and everyday clean. Then it becomes something that you realize is too important to give up knowing you will just have to start over....
My health was a major push toward being clean, Heart and cardiovascular issue's along with diabetes and with the lack of oxygen from compromised lung function was killing me.
Black and white the difference from where I was.
We all know we want to quit its starting the process that takes a bit of willpower, which you already crushed that. Spend as much time on the Train as possible, read what others have written, just move around the site and make friends. We are all in the same boat and have been through the same process. The more time you are here the less time you have to think about craving smoking. Move around and play the games, which lets you meet more friends.
Stay positive stay happy, if you find yourself being depressed blame the nicodemon and smile. (it pisses him off).
Always remember you are battling an addiction that will work on your subconscious to try and make you cave. Always let time pass before you act and find a different mindset or a HAPPY PLACE.
Stay away from your usual smoking area's as time goes by those habits disappear and become just faint memory's. Mine was to light up when I stepped out of almost any door that led to the outside. That one sucked at first but the sugar free Jolly Ranchers in my old cig pocket destroyed those.
I don't know how much sugar free gum and candy i used in the beginning but it was a boat load.
Stick with it. Time heals all wounds...
Cheers Stew.