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Everything posted by Angeleek

  1. Still Friday here...NOPE!!!!
  2. Thanks all!
  3. When I finally successfully quit cold turkey, I ran around feeling like I'd just found Jesus, and I wanted to tell every smoker who wasn't quitting that they needed to try going cold turkey NOW because it sucks royally for about 10 days but then the pain is basically gone and you're done and FREE! That feeling subsided after a few weeks, but I still like to share the benefits of quitting cold with whoever wants to know. If you can endure the hardships of life you have surely suffered, cold turkey is a cake-walk by comparison.
  4. Another great one gone...one of my faves is his Islands in the Stream duet with Dolly Parton.
  5. Good one!
  6. I will add that the nicotine gum is a very sneaky component of nicotine addiction! For 10+ years, I was hooked to chewing nicotine gum between cigarettes. Talk about being super addicted! When I decided to get serious about stopping smoking, I actually had to quit the gum for 6 months before I could quit cigarettes. Your withdrawal will fade soon. Hang in there and good luck! Drink green tea or something else you love...not too much sweet. Thank you for lighting up this discussion. Kinda feels like the quit police around here sometimes, but it comes from the right place. I for one have received a lot of support and knowledge here, and people who really care about something can get a little riled up, so it's all good.
  7. That is quite possibly true, Sunshine59. But don't knock it 'til you try it...at least once, or twice. It's the fastest and cheapest way to be done with the whole sordid affair. For me, any quit method that's legal, ethical and reasonably healthy is good in my book!
  8. Hey Andrew! Glad you're still going strong on that quit! 77 days here! Woohoo we got this! High5!
  9. Happy Birthday, Tammy! Love them 40s!!! Especially smoke free.
  10. A great book! He uses logic to bust us out of the nicotine spell, kinda like rational-emotive therapy. I found it very helpful in changing how I viewed my relationship to cigarettes. Helped me deepen my resolve to quit.
  11. Hi everyone! Another cool thing: No more waking up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. I thought I was getting an OA bladder but now I think the real culprit was either nicotine withdrawal or bladder irritation from nicotine. Cool to be done with that! 75 days and keepin on!!! Stay safe and healthy all!
  12. Hi MJ, and welcome! Sorry to hear about your broken arm... It seems like smoking is a big hurdle in your healing, so it would be prudent to quit ASAP to speed your recovery. You know what day is right... Sounds like the only plan you need is how to get through boredom. Write that plan down, and procure your supplies to deal with that, and go for it. You already know what's in your future if you choose to continue smoking. The longer you wait, the more you will regret it. This Train and the fine folks here are an abundant source of knowledge and support! Just remember that the reward for not smoking is NOT...smoking. Haha took me a while to get that one through my thick skull. So, devise a new reward for yourself. Looking forward to hearing you quit. You can do it! You deserve to breathe ...and live! Best of luck to you, Mokajava. You are ready for this.
  13. Congratulations, Sailor! Better fat than smoking. I keep telling myself that!
  14. I personally know two people who quit just like that and stayed quit for good on their own. Bon voyage, sailor! and enjoy this new form of freedom! Who knows where it will take you...be well!
  15. Salute, Helmethermit! Way to get free! Shine on, you crazy Diamond!
  16. I think there would be a revolt if people couldn't get their booze cigs and pot here. Welcome back Irene! Glad you quit again so quickly....took me five years. What a waste! You can do it, Irene.
  17. Hooray, Kate! Congratulations! Any reason to quit is a good one! Keep it up!
  18. That's an interesting way to experience a crave. As if you can feel your brain processing the nicotine receptors' call and then releasing the tension. neat! you already got this licked! just watch out for day six which can be a real b!tch
  19. Right on BKP! Sorry you caught that and so happy to know you made it through! God bless all the healthcare practitioners! Thanks for quitting and stickin around.
  20. Yes Jillar I agree. There must be numerous leaks where smoke can get through. What a pain....all that trouble to quit only to realize you're afflicted by the neighbor's smoke too!
  21. Ha! We just don't know how bad it is until the insanity stops. My neighbor smokes almost exclusively inside and hardly airs her place out. There must be an opening somewhere allowing smoke to waft through to my place. Everything is so quiet during this lockdown. Once we are all back to work we will remember just how bad the air and noise pollution have become. Just like quitting smoking and remembering how awful the second hand smoke is. Good for you for speaking your mind, Sazerac!
  22. Hi all! I fear I'm becoming one of THOSE ex-smokers. My neighbor is home all day and smokes inside. We live in 4-row apartments that are 50s era. I can't believe smoke would come through any outlets or the walls, and yet I know some second hand smoke is getting inside my place even when all my windows are closed. I can sense the very faint odor of second hand smoke even though I'm not "trying" to smell any. Worse than the very faint smell, I can feel a sting in my eye. This is how it was growing up in a smoker's house, just not as pronounced as it was back then. Am I crazy? Are these withdrawals? Can smoke go through sheetrock? I bought an air purifier cuz I am sick of it...especially now while working at home. Will unpack it tomorrow.
  23. You really can quit if you want to. If you don't want to, but your better self knows you should, it's going to take even more self-disciplining. Not sure what's the longest you've ever gone, but once you muscle yourself through those toughest days (for me it was 5 thru 7) you start to KNOW you can do it. It helps you to keep on keeping on! Congratulations on quitting again! You can do it!
  24. I procrastinated on quitting smoking for 20 years. Now that I did it, I regret having waited so long. I posted affirmations all around my apartment to boost my self-confidence. My favorite one, off the internet, is, "I will stop smoking forever with ease and comfort." Do it b4 twenty years pass you by. It's easier than you think.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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