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Everything posted by Angeleek

  1. Shit happens
  2. In devilish suits
  3. Angeleek

    chicks or sticks

  4. 14 months since quitting the nicotine gum... that's probably 2145 nicotine delivery devices not chewed. 8 months and 8 days since stopping smoking. That's about 2530 poisonous smoking sticks not inhaled. I've probably already saved about $1300 so far. I think the biggest gains so far have been mental...for instance I no longer experience the indignity of standing outside in the rain to get my fix, feeling like a spectacle or an outcast, or just plain fahREEZIn!
  5. Hi John, Papagoat, and welcome to the forum. Nicotine is like any other dope. It hijacks our inner happiness by turning off our brain's own dopamine production, so that we become dependent on the nicotine rush in order to feel "happy". So yes, it is worth it to stay the course. You will notice the change, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week or next month, but do please hang in there because you're almost there. Somebody once said, "There are no shortcuts to any place worth going." This is so true with nicotine recovery. It doesn't happen overnight or even in a few months for most. But persevere and believe that you will get your mojo back because you will. If it's a deep depression, do seek mental help. But if it's the ain't-got-no-nicotine blues, then hang in there, John, cuz soon you'll be whistling the Freedom tunes!
  6. Congratulations on 4 years nicotine and smoke free, Lust4Life! All the health benefits are piling up! Thanks for hanging around to support us newbies!
  7. Driving red evil angry Mercedez Pearl
  8. Lalapalooza
  9. wrapt
  10. I'ma cheerful king!
  11. 4-Put a pillow in it and use as a pet bed
  12. Angeleek

    Shall We Rhyme?

    Swing your partner!
  13. Grind them into fairy dust. Why isn't wheat flour called wheat meal?
  14. Welcome aboard the train, Shezi! Good for you for quitting smoking! Six weeks is huge, and you've already done the head-shrinking part. This is an excellent place to get support through the long haul, and a wealthy resource for information and distractions. I too highly recommend Joel Spitzer videos for counseling and reinforcement. Once you get off nicotine altogether, just remember that the reward for not smoking is not a cigarette. Plan for that. We are here to support you on days 45 onward! Enjoy your happier lungs forever and welcome!
  15. Kit Kat!
  16. lol forgot the alphabet! Jelly-filled jack-o-lanterns oozing red goop everywhere ew
  17. 2-Carry laundry
  18. Angeleek

    chicks or sticks

  19. Cuz you can't fit a rectangular box into a round hole. What"s the difference between Wi-Fi and Hi-Fi?
  20. Angeleek

    Shall We Rhyme?

    Off and running!
  21. Mmmmm mustard. Seed. Love to cook with it.
  22. Angeleek

    chicks or sticks

  23. Line a path or trail
  24. Congratulations @bakon on 8 years free!!! Wow...8 is great! All that improved health and the $ you 've been able to spend on other goodies, too. Yooohooo!! Do you also sometimes forget that u used to smoke?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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