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  1. 24 hours complete!!!!
  2. Hardest 12 hours?! That makes me feel real hopeful!! I am at 14 hours now!! Yay, I just took some NyQuil and plan to sleep at least 6 hours lol. Thank you everyone for the support!!
  3. Thank you so much for the information!! 12 hours!!!!
  4. Thank you so much! Let me share this with y'all so you can tell me what it means. My mind is telling me my new identity will be completely different from my smoking self and personality will change drastically. Does your personality change a lot?
  5. 10 hours into quit. My feet are throbbing and I just feel weird.
  6. 8 hours into quit, 1 major crave....the old thought of just quit tomorrow. Go on smoking one more day...ehhh it's drug addiction. It's drug addiction. That is the drug talking.
  7. Woke up an hour ago, changed up my routine. I am watching a movie and sipping on orange juice. My legs are hurting a little, hopefully that will pass soon.
  8. Just took my last puff. Threw the rest of my cigarettes out and got my husband to hide his pack. Day 1
  9. I think February 29th is the perfect day to quit! How cool is that?!? I already have Joel's day one page in my tabs for tomorrow!! I am going to do my best to maintain a positive attitude. Thank you for the support!
  10. Hi everyone! The countdown is on to my quit day which is tomorrow. I have spent a lot of time preparing for my quit. I have stocked up the fridge with fruits, vegetables, and juice to help me through the first couple days. I am ready to put myself first now and dedicated to making this my final quit. I am no longer going to say I am going to try and quit. I am going to do it, I know it can be rough for awhile but it would be harder to deal with a self inflicted disease. I am not going to allow myself to make excuses and I will not cave into junkie thinking. This is it. My time is now. I am going to type on this thread for accountability and to track my progress throughout this process. I have been reading a lot of the threads on this board and look forward to getting to know you all. It is nice to be able to talk with people that have been in same situation. I like how Joel says...everyone has to start at day one, take your quit day by day.

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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