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Everything posted by Markus

  1. "Loana the Fair One" - 1966 One Million Years B.C
  2. The payoff is really big isn't it? It just gets better with time. Congrats on your makeover!
  3. Markus


    <snicker> haha those are fake eyelashes
  4. MQ , Sunsets is a great cut as well. Saw them in the 80's after Strangers came out. Ian Gillian had his voice back. They were really good... In Rock was kind of a rite of passage in the 70's.
  5. No never had any weird ones. Every single one was a ritual.
  6. Happy Father's Day to all the real father's out there!
  7. Doreen. Foxy Lady - wow hot looking women! Now where is this at, besides in Nancy's computer and how do I get there? Show map - Jimi Hendrix song comes to mind. ;)
  8. Hi Tracey, Inspirational. Thank you for taking the time to share this. Best to you and family in this difficult time.
  9. You have written here that feel you need be held accountable to someone besides yourself for your quit and that you feel that this will make the difference? You and only you are entirely responsible for your quit. Nobody but you will ever be accountable for your failure or your success. Smoking is always your choice, as is quitting and staying quit. My answer to your question is no, I can't support you, because you can't hold yourself accountable for your actions.
  10. A typical troll relapse thread The headline implores help me where the unsaid is basically hand me your quit, it's just sitting there unused, gathering dust. Pathetic excuses, shit in the pants and a blurt to some future date to "try" again. Lots of happy from all who are on board with the poor relapse, ah yes the feel good, soothing those ruffled feathers. And then, here comes The Sarge, that wristwatch in a world of lumps, and lays it down. Pat response are the usual tears of rage, the emotional over kill, how unfair is life, and will go it alone and wait for it....here it comes...the flounce. And we're done. Trolled again, and what may have been a troll comes off as comic opera at it's finest. There are people who want help and will get help if they are serious about it. Help yourself first, guard your fuckin quit and you wont have these issues! Nobody can quit for you and nobody owes you all the answers just because you decided to show up. All of the work will be done by you! Pleading for help won't work, you can't get a quit that way so do some work up front and get ready for it. Maybe then you'll get what you're begging people to give you, what you think they owe you. Know this; nobody owes you anything, and life owes you nothing.
  11. Your daughter needs you, so smoking cigarettes for her is your answer. A cigarette is never the answer. It never was and never will be. Bonnie you know this. GTQ
  12. Marti, Yours is an inspirational quit, and this is a very nice piece of writing. Thanks for the support on this place. Quitting allows one to just be and to have normalcy. That's a big deal in this sometimes crazy life!
  13. Great post! TEW You really are on your way, and am glad to see and read this. I have a secret, I am jealous of you. I wish I was as smart as you when I was your age. And you do tend to strip away the veneer to expose a lot of what others don't want seen. To some it is off putting and TMI but that's what its for...I suppose one could tip toe around it lest they be upset and tiny talk the quit or on the other spectrum buffalo their way through it like it's was all so fuking easy thats BS thaey did it the same way one day at a time...whatever I get tired of reading that bullshit . I like your delivery, hat's off to you crazy woman! Month 7 is magical for you as it was for me, I knew I had arrived and you now have too. You are correct you can do ANYTHING! It's all gravy from here on out... xx Markus
  14. Good advice you are getting here Erin. I had a revelation of sorts to launch my quit, it was me dying of smoking, being choked to death, that turned me on to quit. Seeing it on someone else will not do it, it has to happen to you for you to remember, and so I think this is good for you, to have chosen poorly, because you will remember this. To tell you about it you would hear, to show you, you might remember, but to do...that you will not forget. Language is so important to escape addiction, and if you want to call it a failure to use your cognitive techniques, so be it. Wrap yourself up in whatever it takes to get you through the night, call it what you need to but start thinking about the clean world, and not so much about coping with mechanisms that are built for everyone to use. Build your own out of whatever you want to use, it doesn't have to come from AA or this site and if you can't use it ditch it...what works for some may not work for you. You can beat this, but to do it you don't go buy 4 cigarettes and smoke them and cop to a failure of your tools/weapons. Rebuild your arsenal, you are in a war so get militant please. Anti-smoking and anti-drinking in your postings and the words you speak and what you think to overhaul the lagging cognitive techniques. Please start celebrating your life by feeding your head in a natural way. Guard your quit! xx Markus
  15. Colleen, Congrats on your 2nd Anny of many more to come! :)
  16. For some it is that way. Easy, and others it goes hard. We didn't count on this when we started but we have to finish it. Or it will finish us. You cannot debate with your addiction, it does not play fairly or think in a rational manner about health, happiness and your quality of life. You can't negotiate with this. It will not give in, and will tell you the cigarette is your answer to everything, when it is the answer to nothing. So why debate with the thing that will hurt you? You already know the why and how. This is your time right now. It will take your good looks, and your youth, I have seen it on women as have you. You know what it does and what it looks like. Hang on to your quit please, for your sake. xx Markus
  17. Wow, Colleen! Congrats on the 2 ears years! :) Awesome quit! xx
  18. Good job Laura The walking is a good idea, as is anything new. It really is difficult to find the right recipe after you throw down and state you've quit...day to day grind, with the changeups as you can find them. Some say it's easy, some not so. All I remember from this one is me wanting it bad and walking out of it. I threw away a quit in 1988 or so after two months, the only one I ever had just from treating it badly. Out of that I did learn again like other times that if you treat something/someone shabbily you aren't worth the having of it/them and throwing it away will not make a difference I suppose this time it really meant something to me, I am glad you are not left waiting till something is gone wrong before you do something. You have courage and that's what it takes. I never even tried till 20 years later, it did a number on me and 20 years won't play well on anyone who is already 30 years old which I was at that time. There is nothing in a cigarette for anyone young as you or old like me. ;) Got no real great advice except my geezer stories and time is your friend, chin up always and guard that quit! xx Markus

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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