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Everything posted by forestgreen

  1. You beat me to the punch Sazerac. Ten Old ones!
  2. Had no idea you were sick, hope things pick up soon
  3. Better address Red Kangaroo's style Punch
  4. Animals never transfixed
  5. Revealing under moon
  6. Sending out group emails. I know how to do this now whoopie! Also If you noticed I have added images on here too. Does this classify me as an IT expert?
  7. Many actions never cause hunger think
  8. Diggin Deep, Belief in yourself and a firm strong N.O.P.E helped me too. Good job
  9. Help only people end stranded Awash
  10. Getting heat tingles
  11. This is so great to see all of you. No I am not participating as yet, except to say its nearly 12 months non smoking. I never do selfies, I never divulge my age or Gender if I can help it. I never ever want to smoke again.
  12. Interesting. The only thing I have seen crawling around and hiding is the Ghekko, who loves the indoors. I have one inside at the moment, but when I first came to NSW I thought they were babies of big Lizards, I had heaps running around. The bloke at the Hardware store laughed his head off, when I was panicking on how to get rid of them before they got bigger. I found out that Funnel Webs can climb rough surfaces, so I will be checking my garden wall at the back (its high).I have loads of jars so will be leaving some outside today. I do check my shoes I leave outside every time.
  13. All we got yesterday in NSW was a few drops of rain, during the high winds. I hope our luck stays with us here because we have been warned for this coming week. There are 70 fires still burning in NSW as from 6 hrs ago. Some parts of Canberra are watch and act, but it is expected that it will be a lot calmer today. Fingers crossed. We have been made aware of the spiders here, and I am wondering if they can scale a 24 feet wall.
  14. Get your Axe out of the shed, put on your night cloak fitted with black mask, cover yourself with honey. Wait a while then charge! Glad I am not there to see the result.
  15. Interesting and splendid
  16. That's quite a bit of money beautiful, work out what you are going to buy yourself as a reward and if you want to spend all of it or keep some of it. Keep going you are doing so well, and soon you will have more money to add to that pile.
  17. You look as fit as! great job, I spent most of my day having a quick walk with my girl then getting ready for a Birthday Luncheon which lasted about 3 hours, just had fish and salad, but later on the Birthday Cake and I loved the cake.
  18. Wish I had drank more water, cos I am now trying to loose weight, by drinking lots of water too. Splendid BeautifulAspie197
  19. I loved the change from a car to a Kombi Bus back in the day. It had a Bullbar on the front, so I was high up and extremely powerful. Now I have my littilast car, and I soon got used to all the functions, now wish I had more buttons to push. (Never satisfied)
  20. Never goes softley
  21. Tough on energy
  22. Our News here has started not only an outbreak in our extreme weather, from Destructive fires to Outsized hail stones but we now have outbursts of public shame pitched to our politicians who are scrambling over the disaster with promises, which are not clear cut. We do not have any policy as such on climate change, yet our country is so large and as yet not built up enough to bring any statistics to the table. Our forecasts for NSW for the next week, are extreme heat with high winds once again.. Yes it looks like Mother Nature is yelling at someone or something.
  23. Reboot ailing Lancelot

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