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Everything posted by forestgreen

  1. forestgreen

    Take Two

    I went shopping yesterday in our Supermarket, whats missing!, - "very little frozen foods and frozen vegetables, no toilet rolls, some sauces missing, and various other things"
  2. Never heard of this Friendly romancing dies with spelling spell
  3. Oh! No! Seriously
  4. Enjoys remembering songs
  5. Tries another interesting little shop Gorge
  6. Cruising reveals another strong hippy Relax
  7. Only people elope!
  8. Thanks Darcy, I have a large villa and we walk around that very briskly, I just time about 20 mins. then sometimes 10-15 mins of various movements, and dance.Today I will be taking her down to a place where no one else goes and let her run for about 10 mins while I walk.We still do around the villa, I play with her by hiding her treats and she has to find them. Keeps us both smiling. One Birthday I won't forget in a hurry.
  9. Just walking with my little Shih Tzu today
  10. Open drawers odors really stink sorry Stink
  11. Turles Toes Yum
  12. Rooster's daily yodel
  13. Door opened properly escape soon Flown
  14. Thank you all, I didn't know, thought you had all forgotten me. I sound like a bit of a sooky baby. Had a great Birthday anyway, original one cancelled, but went local for a couple of days, before they shut down all hotels and eateries etc.
  15. Celebrated my Birthday on the 20th, and Celebrated my 12 months smoke free on the 21st. Bit disappointed only one person reacted to these two major milestones do you have peoples Birthday or Smoking Cessation on file or what?
  16. Have just come back from a few days away to celebrate my Birthday. Due to the CV19 I had to cancel flights to Queensland for a large gathering with my family and friends. Had a great time away with some family members. My other Celebration is that I am now 12 months free as a Non Smoker. 

  17. Purple rainbow is societies memorabilia Color
  18. Scurrying here there and everywhere
  19. Assails grand entrance
  20. forestgreen

    Take Two

    What the.......is Nilla Wafers?
  21. Kind Elderly emptied paper stocks
  22. Gone; Empty; Raided
  23. Getting the map downloaded for a trip to a local township 1 hr away. I don't have GPS so doing it the "old school way" .Our local Newsagents don't stock Maps any more. We are headed for a hotel resort with separate rooms, (my sister and I) They haven't closed restaurants or hotels here yet. I am not concerned about the Hotels. I went to our local supermarket yesterday - no toilet rolls of course - no tissues - no hand sanitizer-....Bought some disinfectant only one bottle left. Its really for the floor, but would be ok for bench tops. I am of the senior age group and doors were opened for seniors yesterday for one hour early in the morning. The problem is, no shelves were stocked so they came away empty handed. Not much point really, I won't be going anyway until I am really really desperate (not much of an early bird). Keep well everyone
  24. Naughty Orangutan treaty

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