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Everything posted by forestgreen

  1. Tasted entire donut
  2. Rogues orbit below in nightime Rogue
  3. Suggest proper oil repair treatment Stink
  4. I have been reading this dialogue for a few days, and for myself would say, it didn't come easy, (not a lie) Why because I didn't have enough knowledge of the Nicotine factor in cigarettes, at the time and my self belief was not strong. There are so many confusing issues surrounding NRT The Medical profession for one advocates you use NRT this is a big deciding factor, why this is I cannot say except to surmise, that they think, you might get too aggressive in the process of quitting cold turkey I used Champix, albeit one per day and none at night, the difficulty came when I had to let go of the champix, it was the thought more than the actuality. I hung on for a week more than I should have because of this. Finally when I let go and went cold turkey, things weren't as bad as I imagined. I did find that I would be quick to temper at times, but I had to work on these things and change my view on various fronts without destroying my fighting spirit so to speak. I don't think whatever method you choose warrants an overzealous approach to helping another. Something will resonate within the knowledge presented for each individual person, but our own little voice is perhaps the best one to decide when and how. I was at odds with this dilemma simply because my niece (who is a health professional) and a beautiful person as one could ever meet was still using gum while I was home free. There was no desire to help her by telling her to stop the gum, or hitting her over the head. I had noticed she only used the gum at odd times, like a safety valve for her own stress levels. She is an adult, and has ceased smoking the cigarette which includes other chemicals like Tar, this in itself shows me although it has taken her quite a long time, she is committed to not smoking the cigarette.
  5. I was on page 58 for some reason?
  6. Two's company three's a crowd
  7. Forward lounge offers attractive times eases
  8. Every day Darcy, its just that I overuse some muscles which then produces the pain. I used to go to the Osteopath, he mentioned my lower back as the problem. Now of course I cant see him due to the Corona Virus, but I keep on doing as much as I can and am learning to pace myself. at this present time. I think its partly inflammation, so I started using ginger and Tumeric in my soup.hoping that this will smooth things out a bit. Not too bad really, I can cope with it this way. Love those health professionals though.
  9. I don't think there is any wrong or right way to quit, as long as your understanding of Nicotine is in place. Too many frying pans is not necessarily the right way to advise people. Support goes much further in the long run eventually you will gain the freedom of no nicotine. Be at peace with your decision, until you are ready to understand more.
  10. Now that I have it I really want to forget the plank. Just continuing on the same old 20 mins brisk walk, with around 15 mins flexible variations of my body including push ups on the wall. I have worked out it is better to keep the walk going every day and the flexible movements every 2nd day. Otherwise I feel pain too much. It's constant anyway.
  11. Someone please describe a plank thanks
  12. Better enjoy life leaving yesterday Today
  13. carpet english muffinsButtered crumpet
  14. Binges lots and hurts stomach Bloat
  15. Since I am on this diet thing, I have gone back to a very thin mix of buckwheat pancakes with different fruits and yoghurt, I tried putting the fruit on top while it was cooking to warm the bits of fruit up, but it didn't work. I would love a crumpet with lashings of butter melting into the holes, and piping hot.
  16. Probably suspects your changing heart Giver
  17. forestgreen

    Take Two

    I appreciate the Doctors, my son being among them. I send him a kiss emoji over the phone every day.
  18. Back in my routine I have two Art pieces on the go, nothing much changed except no Life Drawing Class which I convene, and no groupies to hang out with. Yawn!
  19. Early bird catches the worm
  20. Baboon races under starry hills Shiny
  21. and dangerous spiders
  22. forestgreen

    Take Two

    Shopping online now
  23. Choose hairy apes spoon endures laugh
  24. Steady turn over covers kinder Snail
  25. Delay aborts youth

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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