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Everything posted by forestgreen

  1. two dimensions are flat
  2. True, my interior rooms are wider than the height of ceilings TNP have to keep 10 trees pruned to around 12 feet high
  3. True try not to gobble gobble TNP dieting keeps the mind sharp
  4. wrong face sorry two-faced
  5. That was a compliment not a put down
  6. I'm sorry, but I don't understand this (in joke) is it because I am new to this forum? it doesn't seem helpful to me on the surface of things!
  7. It seems you needed more support than that cigarette Vivianne, lucky you could go and see your neighbour for that much needed support, but not so lucky you took that cigarette as a habitual response. You and your daughter are well it appears which is great. The silly season is on us so we all have to think more, and slow down, as stress is the result. I am glad you are back on your bike (so to speak), you will need to learn from this. Yes and plenty of deep breathing needed with that cup of NOPE you can do it.
  8. Thank you all for your response and well wishes. I truly am one of the lucky ones, it was the first time I had to write out an evacuation list but thankfully didn't have to use it. I am well and happy and in our little community we are more aware of the feeling "it could happen to you" . Water is scarce but there again I am lucky, I have a recycled water tank, and used this on my trees and home before the fires hit. Some do not and the farmers are the ones hard hit this time around which they have had for some time now. All in all it's good to be alive and Christmas shopping has now got the green light again. Incidentally I dreamt of pulling heaps of notes out of my purse which of course is a reality now.
  9. We have had horrendous Bush Fires in the Coastal Region of Australia, where I live just recently. Up to 84 Fires all alight at the same time, making it difficult for the Firefighters to attend every event. I can now see two stretches of trees instead of one a few days ago, but its much better than none. We are all left with the Smoky Haze which has been around for about a week now. At one of the worst stages near me, it looked like a sunset in the middle of the day. I am glad I don't smoke now, as hundreds of people went to Emergency hospital for breathing difficulties. Firefighters came from all over Australia to help us, unfortunately hundreds lost their homes, and some their lives. The Koalas too, have lost their homes and lives. We have a Koala Hospital near me and hundreds of volunteers, have been helping the sick and injured little ones. Thank God for the Firefighters and all the volunteers, Glad to be Australian.
  10. I am all over the shop with your website, I am afraid I am not familiar with posting much on forums, and I think I am going around in circles, regarding the emblem and my profile. is there a STEP 1 STEP 2 etc. INSTRUCTIONS FOR DUMMIES 

    1. Sazerac


      We are more than happy to help you in anyway regarding navigating the site,

      just post here in Questions & Suggestions For Administrators or Moderators

       or private message any one of us.  😊


      I see you have your avatar (emblem), it is beautiful.  Pisces, of course !


      Here is a thread,

      10 Ways To Effectively Use This Forum To Stop Using Nicotine


      It likely won't help you with internet mechanics...but, it will help you build a sturdy quit.



    2. forestgreen


      Thank you Sazerac, yes I have already read some of the stuff, and thanks for trying to help this computer genius who tries to solve all her own problems, but sometimes fails. This applies to other things along with not smoking. Not one puff Ever.

    3. Sazerac


      Many here are not computer wizards, myself included,

      but there are savvy people around that are able to assist you. 

      I, too, try to solve all conundrums myself

      when simply asking for assistance would make all the difference in a timely solution.


      You know how good you feel when you are able to help someone ?

      Don't deny others that joy.  Let others help you when they can.

      It makes the world a better place.

  11. A cigarette never resolves the issues we have. We are not perfect, we are always learning about ourselves and others.
  12. Not one puff ever regardless of my feelings or any situation
  13. Thank you, such a positive and happy post, with objective milestones which you have reached. Being thankful creates a loving journey.
  14. Wrong question maybe? TNP Going slow sometimes, not enough hours in the day sometimes
  15. Played hockey but kept getting hit with the sticks, they made me team scorer. TNP To be or not to be that is the question
  16. Thankyou Boo
  17. True ...people who don't like to show off play team sports TNP I played team sport once called pass the orange, the only team sport that allows you to get close up and personal without any violence.
  18. Thanks Sazerac, yes got onto my phone and found the blank square to he left, I could do this on my computer too. The problem is that the files are too large, I do have a programme which lets you resize, but its quite complex and I need to experiment first. In other words the message I am getting from both my computer and phone is that the file size is too large and was skipped. I will check again another time.
  19. Yes Sazerac, doesn't work on my computer. I will try another way
  20. I didn't realize I was romancing the cigarette, or that I am missing something, I am glad the cigarette is out of my life, I used to romance it, but then so did a lot of people on the movies in particular. I think my thoughts are mostly on trying to loose weight now, and this might be me romancing "my cake" I am missing my cake but I have devised a new Mantra for this. Called I love savoury eats, not sweet eats. I don't know how long this will last, but it might sink into my brain soon if I say it often enough. I can remember giving up sugar in my coffee and tea a very long time (decades) ago and was quite miserable for a while. Thanks for caring
  21. False Some animals are fussy, I like it though TNP Singing is my favorite sport
  22. Thank you Chrysalis, I too have relapsed, and was so envious of people who seemed to find it a lot easier than me. In one way I learnt more about myself the 2nd time around, but was searching for the reasons why in the end. Romancing is and was definitely on my agenda, I will need to create a different romance picture, at the moment I love my sweet little dog, and I sing and dance to her a lot. This will do for now because I am changing my eating behaviour once again (no cakes) this is a mental problem too. I am sure if I keep on reading and learning and listening I will be guilt free and continue to be smoke free too.
  23. Could someone tell me how to change the emblem (the small ID) I have tried several times, and can change the cover photo, but not the small square emblem (F) Thanks
  24. True April is for a fools day, TNP March is the best month of the year
  25. True The techie's love to keep us challenged TNP I talk a lot and smile a lot and eat a lot .... not all at once

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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