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Everything posted by forestgreen

  1. Your mind is a little bit confused, because you need to establish a pattern of thought and behavior which over rides the previous ones. So go and do that and remember it in someway that feels right for you.
  2. When you recognize that the perpetrator is the Nicotine Demon trying to gain control.... is the moment you and only you are in control.
  3. running in neutral
  4. Money and love
  5. nope nope NOPE
  6. You wont be sorry (I hope) mine is old now but goes like a rocket.
  7. I live down under
  8. Huge on lollipops
  9. Doing my exercises, and also on a diet since Christmas thought I was doing well with 3/4 hour inside and outside with my little dog, different ones. Put myself on the scales this morning, no losses since the 2kg, whats going on! No bread no cakes either. I feel stronger in my leg muscles that's all. I have no desire to run ks, but I walk pretty fast.
  10. I have a small Toyota Echo, thought I would need a new one and asked when I took it for a service to my local Toyota Dealer, he said "what for" this will last you forever, seems true because 5 years later still driving around in it. Nothing wrong yet.
  11. bubblewrap is pop pop popping
  12. nefarious ends rampage
  13. i was thinking of your post the other day, Its strange but I drank from your cup of rain filling me with longing to have clear skies and lots of falling water. I would just walk in it for a while and not wear a raincoat. My exercises have had to remain inside due to too much smoke outside. Still doing them though.
  14. Stop the Head Butting
  15. Another courtship ended
  16. I thought it was over Red Rover, but not so. Spot fires from embers are effecting some of us day and night, the smoke haze is still around, but bot as bad here as before Christmas. My relatives in Victoria are very anxious but have not yet evacuated, we are all still holding our breath. We are some of the lucky ones, others not so lucky. Finally getting money and help from our Government, which was late in starting, but the people effected were very angry in our small bush towns. Fire alerts all down Eastern Coast of Australia, mostly controlled near me. We had a small amount of rain yesterday, but not enough to put out the fires completely. Amazing so many people want to help us, loads of rescuers putting their own lives at risk to do just that. The biggest rescue operation in all states of Australia that I have ever seen at one time. Thanks to everyone.
  17. Not one Puff Ever and Ever
  18. Cuddly Koalas spared
  19. I'm ahead by a head before you
  20. You are probably feeling sorry for yourself by now, but NOPE (Not one puff ever) ever ever. Begin again even stronger than before and stay close to the Forum every day.
  21. Get halo tighter
  22. Two heads are better than one

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