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Everything posted by forestgreen
Unbelievable weather, we haven't had hail stones in NSW, but we have had a total of one day drizzle rain, and after the drought it apparently is still not enough to put out some fires in NSW Extreme weather for a very long time or never in some cases. In the meantime I am creating new plants while the clouds pour rain (regeneration on the move) My cacti - I dont have the names I was given these cuttings by others but so far they have had a good soaking. I have never seen the Gray one before, someone might have a name? Taken with my Iphone
Beauty reports on King Eros Jail
Twenty wines in noonday sun drunk
gargoyly laughing yellowbeast (for those that don't understand this its an imaginary sculpture)
OMG How frightening.
This is so sickening, I am trying to see what could have prompted these comments, could it be when they banned smoking indoors? I know it doesn't really matter but just trying to work out why the comments were made in the first place.
57mm Rain in Regional Coastal town Australia, in the past 48 hours. wouldn't sell for the world. Love it where I live.
Lots of Victorious endings
Snacks: have tried celery and peanut butter, surprisingly nice. Very thin cracked pepper cracker biscuits (just one) with cottage cheese: (not keen on the crackers) Snacking all day on one low-carb nutrition bar. I like this idea, just have to remember not to eat more than a small bit each time - lasts until dinner. I have bought a Latte coffee machine, and thought I could have this instead of a snack. Works ok when its made, its getting it made that is a bit of a bother, I have boiled it over 3 times, but tried it with coconut milk and real milk - this is nice. The froth reminds me of cream and looks delicious, so its a treat at home. I will get better at it. I love the Lettuce Leaf idea, with sliced cucumber (long strips) and any other topping, so far have had cream cheese, Oil dressing, tomatoe, and even sliced boiled egg. Avocado is good but the Avocado goes brown if I leave it for more than a day in the fridge. Different fruits, like Blueberries strawberries and Mango with a small amount of yoghurt and whipped cream is delicious, I have this in the afternoon, or as a snack in the evening. (keeps me regular too) I need to stop putting too much yoghurt and cream on though. I have weighed myself twice, and haven't taken any more weight off. So I will lesson my intake next. ' I haven't had one slice of bread and do miss this, I have had one cake and coffee out in the last three weeks, but that's because I forgot my low carb snack bars. I will weigh myself in another 2 weeks time I feel thinner that's about all. My exercise routine is going well. I do this in between my Art , which releases the build up of stress or pressure.
Busy as a bee with my garden yesterday, transplanted some cacti and left them out in the rain in tubs. I learnt a lot about Australian "chickens" notsmokinjo very funny. The Ibis look fierce and if you get in their way they are. My husband had a run-in with an Ibis many moons ago At last we all seem to be relieved for a while at least.
Love your post joe, Your self talk seems to be working, and your determination with a touch of reality means you are successfully quitting. Keep it up... N.O.P.E. (Not one puff ever).
Thanks Jillar will try that next time it sounds easy enough!!
My little Girl Lulu ( Shih Tzu Maltese) Loves Yoghurt Lettuce with oil, Tomato, Tuna, Chicken with Mango sauce, Mince meat with tins of tomato and bacon pieces, boiled eggs, and the list goes on. Yes she is a Princess, I love her to bits. She has to go to the dentist though, to get her teeth cleaned and maybe one pulled out in a few weeks time. Other than that she is fit and healthy and not overweight, we are both watching our food intake at the moment. I am worried for her she has to go under Anaesthetic which is why it will cost over $500 just for the procedure to start
We have had steady drizzle over the last 8 hours, HOW GOOD IS THAT. My garden is now on my to do list, "I love a sunburnt country, A land of sweeping plains, Of ragged mountain ranges, Of droughts and flooding rains. I love her far horizons, etc) Poem by Dorothy Mackellar. If she was alive today the flooding rains would definitely be out of the picture maybe some other words like parched dry barren cracked shrivelled useless, unforgiving, desolate, burnt-to-a-crisp would be on the agenda. We might write something with these words included. Come on Aussies lets do the poem.
Thanks. Some of my pics or I should say all of my pics are on photo shop and its a devil of a job unless I drag them only. I will try another way but when I hit "choose files" my work is not included unless I drag and drop. I did something with u tube the other day, and it only came across with a very small emblem and a link I think it was. so u-tube is not right either. I will try to do one today from photo shop into this section. Thanks again. We (I mean I ) are not very compatible with digital display unless its directly from my camera on my I phone. I use a proper camera and then distribute over my computer for storage mainly, but some promotion. That's why I am totally confused. I will sort it out though. Thanks again
He's/She's. a big Beauty. "Oliver has certainly asked you "please can I have some more"
Only novice Entertainer
Thank you notsmokinjo I would share some, but my photo devices or my browser doesn't seem to like me copying and transferring. I tried with a photo from u-tube and it didn't take properly. I will experiment some more later on. What Browser or what photo app do you use?
I am the most boring person at the moment, the highlight of my day will be to pick up my Artwork from the Gallery (whats left) I sold one out of 3 so pretty happy with that result.
Please rain down on me
Zebra entered dungpatch
I take full responsibility when I have put a label on the addiction...that is all it is to me!. i do not place this on me directly this is too harsh. When I have the thoughts lurking in my head then I can label them how I like, this has helped me enormously and isn't it the aim that we just want to stop smoking. If you like to call this romancing or any other label you might have, then its alive and well with me,. My imagination soars with love for myself and others, then my voice is and does and always belongs to me I am the owner. Beyond the Non Smoking message I give myself, no one can tell me how to think. That is a given.