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Everything posted by forestgreen

  1. What a pity for some reason the reply I gave, was not able to be submitted. Perhaps you do not want to hear what I have to say in response.
  2. What isn't recognised on this forum and elsewhere is that, if you choose to use NRT then a second quit date is needed one to actually stop smoking, and another one to actually stop using NRT. this means those who use NRT eventually do quit "Cold Turkey". So what's the beef? its how we present our knowledge or information, to one who has used NRT so as not to push them away. This discussion is good in so far that it brings to light any misinformation but it should not be a platform for stating one method is not worthy, more than another. Can you remember how ashamed and guilty you all felt when new laws were brought in regarding smoking in public, you were made to feel like a criminal when in fact you weren't or I wasn't. Can you remember the signs that said Thankyou for not smoking or a Circle with a line through informing you of the law in that area, these were short and sweet, not rapid and repeated information pushed onto someone. I might suggest, to help another who uses NRT you need simply state another Quit date is needed which is "Cold Turkey". All methods used to quit smoking bring about the desired result, how and when we choose to use these belong to ourselves. There is too much aggression at times, in the delivery here that I can see.
  3. Its early days yet Darcy, one thing I learned was 'before I go to sleep' think of one thing you feel happy about during your day, this will help you to keep your mood lighter and brighter for the next day. Of course you can do it during the day too if you want. Happy dancing.
  4. Joined acrobats courting kitchen silver Count
  5. Plain leaning and not tempting Avoid
  6. Serving nachos at crowded kitchen Serve
  7. Time out
  8. Still experimenting with loosing kgs and Art piece. Trying a new idea a friend gave me, to have a small amount of carbs at lunch time, and a lighter meal in the evening, eg: salad, or omelette. Small serves on both. I have done this for 4 days now, and will weigh myself at the end of 7 days. My Art piece is taking its time, because it involves 5 figures (why do I do this to myself). So far though am pleased with what I am getting. The lockdown hasn't really changed my habits, I can go out still with my darling dog, but she misses the pets and cuddles too from everyone. I love hugs.
  9. Good rabbit attracts bad smell smell
  10. Crikey only one kitchen spoon Spoon
  11. Warped Randy animal person sings Sings
  12. Thanks Angeleek I will need to try this, I am getting nowhere fast.
  13. forestgreen

    Take Two

    Car registration still operating, no trips to shops this time around.
  14. False - Pizza is really on your mind and so easy TNP I do push ups for my muscles
  15. Lots information and reprehensible spies Spies
  16. Stop titillating innocent little learners Pause
  17. Attractive cute kid
  18. Over frightening frowns, energy returns Noble
  19. Butterscotch lollies enticing
  20. Totally hundreds underground gangs stopped clean
  21. The police here are doing a great business, is there no stopping lawbreakers

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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