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Everything posted by HeatherDianne

  1. Day 3 - UGH but I will not smoke today - not one puff
  2. Thanks everyone ---- I have to admit I am having a REALLY hard time this morning... I am just going out of my skin - I have tried everything ( lollipop, walk, drink water) and it gets me through each minute but UGH it does not seem to have longevity today... I want a smoke ----- I won't smoke because I pledged I wouldn't and I take my word very seriously - but I have to admit I almost did not pledge today - it seems like it will be the longest day of my life...... even with NRT - my anxiety goes through the roof the first 4 weeks - triggered by getting the nicotine out of my system - the withdrawals do cause me to have crazy and often depressing thoughts... IKNOW this is not forever - but right now I feel like getting through the day is going to be a long gruelling process....
  3. I need this right now - I am struggling this morning --- Cravings are strong and not gong away - I just started work and feel like I am coming out of my skin.... I know I have to get through each step - good and bad - but right now I am wishing I did not quit yesterday so suddenly - but I know that is the junkie inside me.... holding on to the rope.....
  4. NOPE. I will not smoke today - I will not worry about tomorrow or next week- just today and today is a day of freedom!
  5. @Lilley I started smoking again in March - right after hitting 5 months - I get it - I finally came back yesterday to get my head back into the quit - I was thinking I would set a date a couple weeks away - but just being back here and feeling the support from these amazing people I quit this morning- and it feels GREAT - well it feels like %&^**#$ physically- but I am happy on a level to be back to my road to freedom - Please reach out to me - these people whatever you need - together is better when conquering addiction.
  6. @jillar You may have noticed I have posted pretty regularly today ---- all I want to do is smoke - day one - And here I am a few hours in - I relish in that... for now.... a lot of the video links are outdated - but I am watching to keep me on this path - it is the path I want to be on......
  7. I totally understand not wanting to come here and admit you are an active junkie - I avoided it the last 2 months that I have been smoking again - But I also finally got the courage to come and admit defeat and the support and love from this group of people is amazing and I quit TODAY... I know I cannot do it alone....
  8. As suggested by a wonderful member here are my reasons to KEEP THE QUIT here is my list for wanting to be FREE Health - the cough I have is chronic and awful - I hate it - when I was not smoking for 5 months I loved the freedom of feeling strong breaths. I miss it. I do not want to be sick and put myself and family through that. Family - My son was so proud of me when I quit I think his daily reminder was a big part of my success - I have not told him I started smoking again - but I do plan too I just want to be a couple days into my quit before I fess up - hubby is supportive - but not a real cheerleader or one to say he is proud of you. He was very disappointed when I started again. My daughter has never really said anything - but she is 15 so always a bit moody LOL Money - It is soooo expensive and I am not a couple of smokes a day - so it adds up and it also adds up in my savings account when I am not smoking. Social Life - This one is hard to admit - but the minute I hear we are going somewhere or doing something - I wonder when and where I will be able to smoke and if I can't I often avoid the function - How crazy is that? As I write it down I realize this is holding me back and affecting my friendships. Be my authentic self - when I am not smoking I feel so much better about everything - no hiding or lying - no getting worried I won't be able to smoke and hopeful - when I smoke I pretty much focus on when I will get my next cigarette. What a waste of time. Next assignment - A plan and a quit date. How do I plan to get through the first few days, weeks what will I do when the cravings are the only thing I can think of.
  9. Great idea will do that now
  10. I am going to go watch the Tobacco War Documentaries. I read this thread to see if I could find an answer for myself - I know a couple of things when I quit in October 2019 - After about 8 weeks - I felt good, strong and no way was I going to smoke. But I did 3 months later. I am working through this to try to ensure it does not happen again. I don't know if you will all understand this - but the constant struggle between living NOPE daily - to Living NOPE for life is a problem for me. My junkie brain constantly thinks of smoking as a solution etc. I have read enough and been quit long enough (multiple times) to know that the daily NOPE will get you through days, weeks and months - I KNOW THAT - my problem is looking too far in the future - too soon. the more time I spend on this forum I am realizing I really need to quit for a whole year - get through each season and holiday ( I made it through Christmas this past year) but I have to admit - I had some smoking troubles and not always a happy Christmas spirit - But I did make it and through New Years and I was really starting to love myself for keeping the quit - but I still threw it away. I remember the day - I DECIDED to get a pack and only have a couple a day - and we all know where that leads. I know I need support - I need to use the education and knowledge I have to WIN the battle. I have a horrible cough it was back in a couple of weeks really. and I feel gross by the end of the day. So here is the problem - I am writing all of this and reading and watching and it feels good to be in control - but the thoughts pop in - go get a pack at lunch time - or after school. BUT I WONT TODAY because I pledged I wouldn't. But I am wondering if any of you felt this way after 3, 6, 9 months - doubted yourself - I do because I have been here before... I have to figure out how to make this one different - this one stick. But for now - I will not smoke a cigarette.
  11. Without planning it - Today is now my quit day.I will not smoke for the rest of today. I will not worry about tomorrow or next day or next week - Just for today I will not smoke.
  12. Okay - I am jumping over there now. I will not smoke for the rest of today. I had my last 2 this morning. I will not smoke today.
  13. I am avoiding the pledge - no smoking so far and no I did not got to store - I need to take the pledge - something is holding me back -
  14. Thank you Paul ! I am going to do it!! I am crying as I type this because I know how hard it can be - but I do not want to smoke any more... so I am jumping over to pledge - it's ok to pledge I won't smoke for the REST of the day right?? The battle right now is telling me - you are not ready - but I am never ready - I know I have to jump in and DO WHATEVER I have to and just not smoke - the other side of me (junkie) telling me I am not ready, I didn't pick a date, I don't have my lollipops etc - I mean I could list a million reasons - deep down I know it is all %&^$$ - so why I am sitting here avoiding the pledge?
  15. THANK YOU to everyone for your encouragement - So here is my current situation - I am sitting here drinking my coffee and I am out of cigarettes. Already thinking about getting in the car and getting some before I start work, but all of your wonderful words are telling me to just do it -today - if I do I will be the end of day 1 when I wake up in the morning I don't quite have my quit plan ready to go - but I know what works for me. I suffer from anxiety and the withdrawal of nicotine does not help ( no excuse - I also know that when I get to about a month of no smoking - my anxiety is WAY better since I am not in constant nicotine withdrawal - I used NRT last time to get through the first month - I find once I get to about 4 weeks - everything start to feel better physically and emotionally. I have everything I need to start today - so why am I going back and forth?? UGH
  16. Welcome Jeff - we can do this!!!!
  17. WOW great post - I just wrote my reasons I want my quit back and this post matches how I feel about social events Social Life - This one is hard to admit - but the minute I hear we are going somewhere or doing something - I wonder when and where I will be able to smoke and if I can't I often avoid the function - How crazy is that? As I write it down I realize this is holding me back and affecting my friendships. Without even realizing it - I push people away when I cannot smoke around them. CRAZY
  18. Thank you for your kind words, they really hit home for me. Most of all I feel the support coming through the computer - I really need that. I started on my QUIT work today and here is my list for wanting to be FREE Health - the cough I have is chronic and awful - I hate it - when I was not smoking for 5 months I loved the freedom of feeling strong breaths. I miss it. I do not want to be sick and put myself and family through that. Family - My son was so proud of me when I quit I think his daily reminder was a big part of my success - I have not told him I started smoking again - but I do plan too I just want to be a couple days into my quit before I fess up - hubby is supportive - but not a real cheerleader or one to say he is proud of you. He was very disappointed when I started again. My daughter has never really said anything - but she is 15 so always a bit moody LOL Money - It is soooo expensive and I am not a couple of smokes a day - so it adds up and it also adds up in my savings account when I am not smoking. Social Life - This one is hard to admit - but the minute I hear we are going somewhere or doing something - I wonder when and where I will be able to smoke and if I can't I often avoid the function - How crazy is that? As I write it down I realize this is holding me back and affecting my friendships. Be my authentic self - when I am not smoking I feel so much better about everything - no hiding or lying - no getting worried I won't be able to smoke and hopeful - when I smoke I pretty much focus on when I will get my next cigarette. What a waste of time. Next assignment - A plan and a quit date. How do I plan to get through the first few days, weeks what will I do when the cravings are the only thing I can think of.
  19. Thank you so much everyone, I have really been thinking of nothing else besides quitting and I hate that I am back here - especially since it is all my choice and I'm smokng again because I took that puff then puffs and bam back where I started. I know picking a day helped me last time so that is what my goal is today -pick the day and go for it. I was embarrassed to come back here and face it - face I blew the freedom I had earned. I also know that this board was a main reason I was successful at all - I stopped coming when I got to a sad part in my quit - I wanted to try just not thinking about it - but I realize now that not coming here and asking for help and sharing my journey -helping others was the first step In smoking again - I lost sight of what I truly want and that is to be smoke free. Just reading the welcomes and support motivates me. THANK YOU
  20. Hello Everyone! I joined this group last fall and -I had a nice quit going - and 2 months ago - I threw it all away - and here I am right back where I started. . A little background - I have been smoking since I was 16 years old - I have had a few quits over the years but ALWAYS give in to my junkie addiction. This year I quit smoking on October 28, 2020 and had 5 solid months and then I just gave away my quit. Working from home was a big trigger - work was a great way to get through each day smoke free - once we were all locked in our homes - my addiction won. Here I am 2 months after starting again and of course I am thinking about when I will quit everyday and I keep smoking while I consider this. So this morning I got up and promised myself I would start the first step - education and support. So today I will read the homework list suggested in the newcomer session, I do not have a quit date yet - but hope I will choose one shorty. I know my areas of weakness - the main one being I still feel like I am missing out on something when I am not smoking - I still believe the cigarette does something for me besides feeding me nicotine. its like I know logically it is an addicition plan and simple and I started feeding the monster and here I am - smoking and feeling lost and hopeless. I would welcome any suggestions or help to get me choose a date and throw the smokes away. I am excited to meet more people who truly understand what it is like to live with this addiction. I know I have to pick a date, do the reading, do the work - first step coming here (very hard for me) and admit I am smoking again. Everyday I say is this your last day Heather? And it never is. Last time I chose a date about 2 weeks away and I think that helped me actually stop. Anyway - my next post will be my first quit day and I know I am going to need to do the NOPE pledge each and every day and I have some work to do deep down inside of myself to truly win over my junkie addiction.
  21. Hello everyone, I wanted to let everyone know I am still here and I am keep my precious quit. The holidays and the past month, I have been in a funk - and I can say not smoking during the holidays did put me in a bad mood etc, and off and on I sometimes just had to excuse myself from the festivties and get my head straight and focused. But through all the ups and downs of my 2 and half month quit - I know I want this - and so not a puff of a cigarette has crossed my lips!!! YAY - Knowing I have all of you in my corner has helped me stay focused - knowing I did not want to come here and admit I smoked helped me keep my quit so to all of you THANK YOU!!!
  22. Thank you for sharing - it the reality for all of us former smokers - we are at a higher risk for so many health issues - I remind myself that whatever comes my way health wise I will be able to conquer it more successfully as a non-smoker than as a smoker and that is enough some days to keep the quit.
  23. I will not smoke today and I am thrilled about that since we have since temps of -50 this week brrrrrr
  24. Not today - Not one puff!
  25. I will not smoke today - Not one puff of a cigarette will ruin my day or my 2 month quit. I am so happy to be back at work LOL - Holidays have a lot of down time which was always a smoke time for me. So the last couple of weeks have been a bit rough for me in the quit department - I struggled I was moody. But here we are January 6 and I am still keeping the quit. - So NOPE not today.

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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