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Everything posted by Vivianne

  1. test subject
  2. nothing can evolve
  3. Keep on rockin' in the free world
  4. Vivianne

    True or False

    False - the last one who did that was my mom when I was 3 lol TNP has a well ordered file system on there desktop/mobile (which means pictures sorted by date and tags, music sorted, documents sorted... inbox cleared up)
  5. Found it! How to recognize if you're romanticizing the cigarette
  6. Workout log Morning: Cardio 20 minutes dance routine Lunch Squats (5x20) Lunges(5x20) Triceps: cable Pull 5x8 10kg Triceps: push up 5x8 bodyweight Brisk Walk with the dog 45 minutes More dancing during the night, but that was more of a "quitter on a rampage" way...
  7. Vivianne

    chicks or sticks

    -2 You gave it your best try Johnny5
  8. Nope on Sundays too!!
  9. Have fun!! Don't get lost, and if you do, enjoy the heck out of it!
  10. I am making a lasagna containing only fresh ingredients! ("Look at me now mom!") Need to wait 30 minutes now.... a lifetime for a hungry craving quitter lol Oh patience oh patience where are thou!
  11. Btw Well done for keeping your quit today!!
  12. Boredom is one of my pittfalls too. So I started a "I am bored" count when I was still smoking... and guess what I was bored a lot even when I was smoking. In this moment my addiction tells me I wasn't as bored then as I am now.. but I have proof...ha! So the problem is me... I need to find a purpose and something to keep my mind busy, smoking doesn't solve anything... it is a false argument.. So for a start... keep close to the forum, keep your mind on the quit - not on the cig. (Read romancing the cigarette - will add link when I am not on my mobile). Play a memory game (and loose.. that is part of the process), do something physical like a brisk walk or clean.. cook..learn magic keep those hands busy There are so many ways to keep yourself occupied. But you need to give yourself that kick in the butt and do something..;)
  13. My song for today
  14. How are you now @KatV?
  15. Vivianne

    chicks or sticks

  16. Thinking about dinner... everything tastes so good at the moment that I am having a hard time picking what to eat lol
  17. Oh and I forgot: Breathe... in and out, and let the panic pass.. You won't die, it is "just" addiction that is yelling at you Embrace the quit and all it's good and bad things Go through it, experience, feel and Breathe
  18. Heya KatV! We are at the same quitting stage, and the first thing I want to say is: Well done for taking the time to post this sos. And congratz on your quit! I am gonna be brutally honest though, cause I think I need to break through your addiction smoke screen (which is more like a brick wall in some cases) You need to divide your brain (the voices, the wants, the arguments, etc) into " Free will" and " Addiction" The hype after every pack, every cig is YOU - the rest after, those arguments that make it okay to get another: ADDICTION. You are a JUNKIE. Simple as that. It's rough to hear and/or to realise, but you need to stay sane in the quit, the insanity is the addiction... You gave in to the addiction, and now it's doing what every pattern fed addiction does, it will scream louder. You gave in yesterday so FEED ME! - BUT! - Do something else~ watch one of the many informative documentaries here, post in games, shout, dance.... anything BUT smoke!! Post here is the best thing you can do:) And don't feel like you are a burden, we all have been there... so please do!
  19. Vivianne

    chicks or sticks

    -20!!! Veni, vidi, vici!
  20. Watching tobacco wars series... I notice how emotional it makes me.. the manipulation, the lies... it's just all so sad! I am gonna actively chance my inner dialog from jealousy (which is the addiction talking) to empathy/feeling sorry for the addict. And with that have more patience with my quit. It's gonna take time and it's gonna take a lot of hard work (self-reflection fi.). If I feel to safe, I am probably not...
  21. Vivianne

    chicks or sticks

  22. That is so true!!
  23. Vivianne

    chicks or sticks

  24. Vivianne

    chicks or sticks

  25. Vivianne

    True or False

    False .. there is no such tradition here (which is a shame, I would like to hand out candy!) Tnp is a morning person

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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