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  1. Wow - It's been a minute since I've posted! Proud it's been a year 1/2 (almost) since I quit!! Congratulations to everyone regardless if it's only been 1 day or 1 year - never quit quitting!!!!
  2. It's funny because I always hated short hair on me due to one really bad hair cut when I was younger. But now I'm realizing the simplicity of it - especially shower time lol. I still do not have enough to style it's more scalp coverage at the moment and soft like baby duck fuzz lol. I wore my wig out the other day and I'm just not comfortable in it at all. I'm not sure if it's because I know is not real and that makes me even more self conscious thinking well then everyone knows it's not real type thing. But so far my fave are the winter beanies from Colorado chick. Nice, warm, comfy and so many colors. Hopefully by summer the top will catch up with the rest and I wont need a cap or scarf or wig. Oh my cat could lay there forever and just watch them, so much so that she didn't even notice the 2 betta tanks I've had for at least 2 months until the other day lol. She was like what is this! I actually was cleaning their tanks yesterday and each one has it's own olive nerite snail. Now I was told that while they will lay eggs w/out a mate the eggs wont hatch in freshwater and if they do they wont survive. Well, there were 7 babies just from 1 of the tanks! So I put 1 baby with each betta and the rest in my 10 gallon. Not sure if they will survive - but we'll see. I really want to do just one more tank lol. It is very therapeutic. I'd love a pond but with my dogs and the nightly raccoon visits it might be more work than I'm willing to put in. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!
  3. Yowza!! 7 months - this is the longest I've gone without smoking in lord knows how many years! (too many to be exact). But I feel good - I can breathe, no more hacking and coughing and covering up with spray to hide the smell! My smell and taste are sooo much better. Wishing all the best with their quit! Never quit quitting no matter how many times it takes!
  4. Way to go on putting the smokes down - but yes it's just as easy to become dependent on NRT's. It's like the final release is hard to let go. Even then you will most likely go thru some withdrawls once the NRT program is complete - ridding the nicotine from your system. Sometimes it's just easier to rip that NRT off sooner than later. Keep us updated!
  5. I hope you feel better! I could have sworn I posted on this before but either way Get Well soon!
  6. Welcome back and congrats on quitting! I think it's safe to say it took most of us several tries before that sticky quit sticks. There are tons of tips and great help and support as I'm sure you know from before. Take advantage of it - you will not regret it!
  7. Welcome Beachmom! Congrats on 4 days. Everyday will be different - but do it for your kids and for yourself. So many of us remember that 1st week of quitting. It's very much a lifestyle change but only for the better. YOU CAN do this! Hopefully tomorrow we will see a Day 5!!
  8. He is a Rottie in every way! He's a licker and a leaner and stick by your side and under your feet food cleaner lol. He pretty much loves everyone once he gets to know them - but he's very territorial and HATES the mailman lol. Ahhh the fish and plants (it really is zen) Does he sell them online or just local? I've actually been doing a lot of research on what plants go best with what fish/light/temp/tank size etc. so much info but I know that 55 gallon (maybe bigger) will be mine mwa-ha-ha! I have heard that. My neighbors actually came back thicker and curley. I was reading an article on the actress Selma Blair and how she chose radiation to help with her MS. She did lose her hair and said that it would either come back a different color or texture and she would just keep shaving it until it came back the color she wanted lol. I'll just be happy it's back - I'm really excited to see what cool pixie would look like. I've always had long hair so I may decide I like it short. Maybe something like this as far as the tops and sides - love that color. Pic is not me of course tho I wish it were lol.
  9. Wow I hate to see so many people getting sick on here. I know it's that time of year - but it really does suck. My own BF sounds like he's about to keel over so I've basically been living in my office/spare room for almost a week. Leaving nothing to chance and taking stock in Lysol lol. But I hope everyone gets well soon. So during my time of not being able to do my old hobbies - soaping etc. I've somehow gotten into fish and aquaponics. It started out so innocently with me just wanting a betta for my desk however my BF said just get a 10 gallon tank - so I did. But I couldn't stop thinking about that betta, so went out and got a 1.5 gallon cube for my desk so I could watch him swim while I worked. Well 1 quickly turned into I need another one - so now I have 3 tanks . At first I just had the plastic plants and decorations then took all that out and added live plants for an aqua scape got some driftwood. I'm hooked - It's like smoking I want just one more then I'll stop! Lucky I don't have the space for it because I'd go broke real quick. Went to get dog food the other day and ended up checking out their 55 gallon tanks lol - I had to pull myself away. But I really enjoy it, it's like therapy almost. My hair - the past 2 weeks it just sort of took off and the sides and back growing in faster than the top but not enough that you still cant see my scalp so maybe in another month or so I'll have scalp coverage. I was hoping by summer I'd have enough to do something like a pixie but only time will tell. I will say it's much easier to wash lol. My next visits are in March for an EKG and then in May for another lung scan. I have finally come to terms with the fact that I will have to have these scans and tests for the rest of my life - and that's fine. As long as it's a good quality life vs quantity. Because I hated feeling as if there was so much to do and so little time to do it. So I'm learning to make time for the things I enjoy. In other words it's time to start living and not dwelling. It's not easy as I have my breakdown days but that's ok - I look at it as a whole body release and just give into it and then I feel better. Oh and here's my doodlebug getting ready for Valentines day - begging for hugs and treats lol.
  10. I'm so sorry Jillar - I've been away and just now catching up on all of this. I'm so glad that your now home and hope that you start feeling better soon.
  11. Way to go on 3yrs!!
  12. Yup just paying to kill yourself - I bought into all the nicodemon lies thinking - Nah it will never happen to me - but it did and I have no one to blame but myself. The warnings are everywhere. We know this and choose to ignore it (which is what I did). And if you do want to read horror stories check out my blog. Everyday is fight and a blessing. Do you body a favor and just stop - the pain of withdrawl is NOTHING compared the pain you may face if you continue. I wish you the best of luck, I know it's hard but nothing good ever comes easy.
  13. Thank you Linda - it really is good to 'be back'. And life is way much better smoke free even given all I'm going through. I got the results of my 2nd scan today and everything is STILL SHRINKING!! And the fight continues lol!
  14. 6 months - that's 1/2 a year!!!! So much to be thankful for and celebrate on my B'day!!! Go Aquarius!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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