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Diane R

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Everything posted by Diane R

  1. Yes I have officially quit no cigarettes since yesterday. Not even a puff! Im really not feel deprived of smoking. I’m having the most trouble with the habit. I wasn’t getting anything from smoking for the last couple of weeks. I really think the habit and as dumb as it might sound fear of quitting smoking as been the worst. No one like to fail and I’m no exception. I’ve been reading a lot of others stories on here since I found the site. They have helped me more than I can tell you. I’m very thankful to all of you for sharing you experiences and stories.and I’m sure I will me posting a lot in the coming weeks and months.
  2. Thanks for the info jillar! It’s nice to have a place to just vent and get things on your chest.
  3. So I’m having a lot of fatigue, shortness of breath(never had this before) I’m a little grumpy. I understand I’m going to have withdrawal symptoms. Man they are hard to deal with. I keep telling myself they will pass. I need to be strong. I’m still taking the Chantix is does help but it doesn’t stop the craving or the withdrawals. I can’t wait for the fatigue to get better so I can go to the gym. I’m so tired I’m having a hard time getting anything done. I went on a little vacation with my girlfriends over the weekend and I was beat just taking a little walk. So not use to this. I like to stay busy and I’m usually an active person. Not so much the last 3 weeks. I have totally stop smoking as of yesterday. I was up til than only smoking 3 cigarettes if that a day. I’m hoping in a couple of days a lot of this will be totally gone.
  4. Oh I just realized the brain fog could be because of blood sugar lows. I should have as I’m a type 1 diabetic. And low blood sugar makes you feel awful. And wiped out after you get it right again. So that a great idea. I hope you feel better soon Joe. I’m having the fatigue not so much the brain fog.
  5. Thanks everyone and good morning. So far 0 today. One day at a time. I can I will I must!
  6. Michelle don’t beat yourself up so much. Everyday i’m Trying not to smoke with the help of Chantix, and everyday I don’t quite make it to 0 cigarettes. So far so good today. But that only one day and it’s not over yet. . So each day is a victory. I’ll get there and so will you! Rome wasn’t built in one day.
  7. Thanks everyone. I’m doing ok today. I didn’t light one up on a 4 1/2 hours drive from the west coast. And I was driving. And ex smokers you that’s a long time (when you smoke in your car)and great accomplishment. At least for me. I’ll take it. Of course I want to smoke but I didn’t do it.
  8. Thanks Doreen! That’s so true. Little devil always temping me. I have to show him the door. He doesn’t belong here. Nope. So far 0 today. I just have to take it hour by hour.
  9. No I’m not totally smoke free. But I’m working really hard at it. I’m not smoking when I drive which is huge. And I’m not smoking a whole cigarette at all. Mostly just lighting it and having a few puffs and putting it out. Chantix is making that possible. And I’m not buying anymore cigarettes so tomorrow should be it for me. I think it’s more but going though the motions of smoking that I’m having the most trouble with. And thanks again for all the support and tips.
  10. Hello everyone, when did you feel like the worse of the nicotine addiction was behind you. I’m struggling With that today. I want to go out on the patio and have a cigarette but I know it’s not going to taste good. And will mostly likely make me beat myself up for breaking weak and lighting one. And I will only have a few puffs and put it out. Geez why can’t I just put them down? I can do anything esle I decide I want to do
  11. The last time I quit if I went out it was alway somewhere I couldn’t smoke and it was a big pain to get to a spot where I could. I did this especially if I was going to have cocktails. I changed the place I had my morning coffee. I took my car and had it detailed. I treated myself to little gifts for not smoking. Writing this is making me remember a lot of the thing I did that helped that I had forgotten about. Thanks for the video sazerac. And thanks to everyone for all your support.
  12. Thanks Jordan7! There is no cookie cutter recipe to quit! We are all different and what works for some don’t for everyone. Habit are hard to break too. Not just the addiction. I unfortunately have both. When you do anything for 40 years to hard to just stop. It becomes a part of everyday life. At lest my not running to smoke every time I feel stressed. And that a big step for me. I’m coming here and reading others post.
  13. I wish I quit. I’m closer everyday to being smoke free. The Chantix is doing it’s job. And I’m trying my best. Chantix does make it easier for me to say no don’t want that. But the habit is such a part of my life. 40 plus years of smoking minus 1 1/2 years that I quit. I must find other things to fill my time. Up until yesterday I had such fatigue I could barely get out of bed. I plan on going to the gym to fill some of my time. I don’t work now so I have a lot of free time. It I’ll get there. I’m determined to make this change. I can I will I must!
  14. I’m aware of the addictions of nicotine. Thanks for posting the videos. And I’ve watch those videos too. But the habit is what’s getting be now. I’m not getting anything out of smoking. The Chantix is doing it’s job. The don’t do anything for me when I lite one. I take that back I get a headache now when I lite one. That’s it. But I’ve smoked a very long time. It’s such a habit to go outside and have one. I’m working on that part of my smoking habit. I know from the last time I quit this was a hard part of quitting for me.
  15. Don’t be sorry I need all the help I can get! I keep telling myself I don’t need to smoke it’s just the habit now. But the habit is as hard to break.
  16. Diane R

    vuse commercials

    Big tobacco is definitely switching to E cigarettes they have been in the process of doing that for at least a year that I’m aware of. I read somewhere one of the companies was going to quit selling cigarettes all together and just sell e cigs. Of course they want you to think it’s cause they care about the consumers health, but it all about the money.
  17. Diane R

    when will i feel good

    Richard I’ve been taking Chantix for 3 week and the body aches and Fatigue have been awful at times. I’m a heavy smoker and have been smoking for 40 plus years. So I can feel your pain. I felt like I had the flu. And I quit 13 years ago and it wasn’t has bad. But I still got sick for 3 or 4 days. My body aches are getting better now. But I’m still smoking 3 or 4 cigarettes a day. It will get better it’s just are bodies purging themselves of all the toxins put in them. Hang in there. It will get better. And it will be worth it.
  18. Wow no wonder I was so crabby the first few days. Not feeling that way today thank goodness
  19. Thanks Queen Bee! Well still on my mini vacation. I did ok yesterday. Had a few drinks. But I only smoke 3 cigarettes all day. So I hope the one I just lite and put out was my last. Didn’t even want it. And last night I thought I would have one before I went to bed and than picked it up had in my hand and decided I didn’t want or need it. So I think that was a win. I’m get closer to not having another puff!
  20. I wish I could just put them down. I’ve been a smoker for 40 plus years. Quitting is one of the hardest things to do and staying quit is even hard. I also live with a smoker. This makes it much harder. He is the one that could just put them down. He can come home and not smoke all weekend. I wish! Hope everyone has a great day.
  21. Actually you can now stay on Chantix up to six months but I don’t plan on taking it that long. If I didn’t think I needed it I wouldn’t be on it. What works for some doesn’t work for others. If you can do it cold turkey that’s wonderful. I know I can’t I need a little help.
  22. I’m not having to many dreams I’ve had 1 or 2 there where funny dreams. No nightmares. And I do know I can’t smoke again. I’m addicted to nicotine. But the Chantix as allowed me to not care so much about smoking. I light 1 and don’t really want it. Everyone must find what works for them. If I could do it on mine own I would have by now. It’s not convenient to be a smoker.
  23. Thanks guys we will they are a riot! They alway make me laugh. I feel bad cause they have been in town a few days and I’ve been so sick I couldn’t hang out with them. They understand so they are more worried about me. So it’s nice to have good supportive friends. The beach is just what I need. It’s my happy place. Nothing like the sound of the ocean to calm your nerves! I alway feel so peaceful there.
  24. Good morning everyone, im just waking up, couldn’t get to sleep last night. No surprise has I’ve been sleeping so much. And thanks for checking on me Doreen! I’m doing ok for the moment. I’m going on a little weekend get away with my girlfriends from out of town. Going over to the west coast of Florida. They don’t smoke so hopefully I will be smoke free by Monday. Both of them smoked but have since quit. So they will cheer me on this weekend. I’m sure I’ll be stopping by for support over the weekend. Happy Friday everyone
  25. I’ve only had the sour stomach and that’s going away now. I alway take it with food. And a full glass of water. I’m hoping to be done with cigarettes my Monday. I’m starting to feel better each day. The fatigue has been bad. And I know I still have a way to go, but I’ll make it. And thanks for the support everyone.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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