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Everything posted by Ankush

  1. Still keeping the quit going
  2. I was already fed up of being a smoker but never managed to quit, Joel's videos encouraged me to take the step of going cold turkey and so I made a plan. Big part of my plan was to join a forum for people who wanted to or had quit smoking. The other part of my plan was to keep make myself mentally prepared for the withdrawal of the first 3 days. I had come to know to have a lot of juice and water (during the first 3 days) and to do deep breathing. Once I joined the Train, I just stuck to the NOPE pledge and stayed quit a day at a time (and am still staying quit). The support I received during the initial days of joining the Train was also very helpful. Bottom line - every person will have their own way of quitting smoking.
  3. Nope, for tomorrow as well. Btw, what if we had a feature on the Train called the "NOPE Pledge Calendar"? Members of the Train could get a daily notification to go and mark a checkbox on the calendar (visible only to members of the Train) and the notification will go away once the pledge is made. Supposing a member forgets to make their daily pledge or can't for some reason, the notification for that day will go away the following day...no one would want an accumulation of notifications of pledges not taken, that would be annoying. Also, some may want to enable the NOPE pledge calendar while some may not. So members can be asked if they want to sign up to the calendar for the daily NOPE Pledge as well. This calendar will be individually customized to the time zone each member lives in. It will remove the confusion of mixed up dates and will be a more organized way of having the Nope Pledge feature on the Train. Just a thought. As such, I am OK with the NOPE pledge feature as it is now.
  4. Sticking to my quit
  5. Its going OK, still adjusting mentally to being an ex-smoker...i make a daily pledge to not smoking and i stick to it, taking life as an ex-smoker a day at a time.
  6. Welcome aboard. I, like all here, appreciate your selfless action to support fellow ex-smokers, new and old alike. Also, congratulations on staying quit for 7 years!!!
  7. Congratulations on a 10 month quit!!! Btw, if you feel tired a lot, please see a doctor.
  8. Congratulations on reaching that crucial 1 month milestone!!!
  9. Hi Jan and welcome aboard!!! Follow the advice given here by other cigarette quitters. You've already made NOPE your pledge to staying quit and that's great. Post your pledge under the "The Daily Nope Pledge" section on a day to day basis along with others in thread everyday. It will be like the one goal you want to achieve everyday and writing it down on the forum along with other cigarette quitters will help you stick to your quit. As mentioned, whenever you get a crave you're having trouble with, post an SOS in the "The S.O.S. Board" section. Do make a list of the reasons for quitting smoking. Watch Joel's videos. I hope you've stocked up on plenty of fruit juice. Drink plenty of juice and water, it will help flush the Nicotine out of your system. All the best!!!
  10. Congratulations on a 1 year quit!!!
  11. Congratulations on achieving the 3 month milestone!!!
  12. Congratulations!!!
  13. Nicotine has its own negative effects on the body. Taking it in tobacco form just makes it worse (because of thousands of additional chemicals). The fact exists that even with e-cigarettes, Nicotine is being administered in the body. I think Big Tobacco exploits the fact that some consumers of Nicotine may think that "I've quit smoking cigarettes, so I'm safe" and push other Nicotine products which they (Big Tobacco) claim are safe as an alternative to smoking while they (Big Tobacco) are fully aware that Nicotine is harmful no matter what the source. After all which business would want their consumers to stop using their products? There would be no profit in that. Its all about educating oneself about Nicotine and using the knowledge as a tool to stay off it. Some may use alternatives to cigarettes to get their Nicotine fix and eventually taper it off to zero, while others may just quit only cigarettes. So, you make a good point about what the quitter wants to achieve. Quitting is easier said than done though, I still get my craves, although they have reduced in frequency as compared to around 2 weeks ago. I have also thought, may be I should just have one, that will help me, but I know that's the junkie way of thinking and I'm scared of relapsing into a full blown addiction to cigarettes again, remind myself why I quit, and so I don't bother going to the shop and buying that one cigarette.
  14. Congratulations on a 9 month quit!!!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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