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Everything posted by Sunshine59

  1. I don't know if this helps but these days i keep repeating these words to myself Relax , Relax , Relax ... Then i eat a nicotine gum .My cravings are gone for few hours . I am focusing a lot on relaxing techniques these days Whenever i feel mental without cigarettes i tell myself to relax I do not think we are naturally relaxed all the time , i think we are more restless most of the time , This could be confused for cravings Anyway next time you feel stressed out or restless , Try Telling yourself to relax . I am 1 hour and 17 minutes without any smoke . There is a lot of restlessness and it can be easily confused for cravings , But its not , Its just i am bored and i am looking for some other activities to kill some time If i cannot find any activities like that , because you cannot always find interesting activities to do . I simply tell myself to Relax , Relax , Relax . I am also trying to read a lot about relaxation techniques
  2. Thanks WeegieWoman , I have been googling all sorts of things from breathing techniques , yoga , meditation , Buddhism etc since past few months All of those does not always looks practical in real life . Everything is missing something . We do all those things to relax . So the key word here is relaxation itself . If none of the above works one should at least tell oneself to relax somehow most of the time under stress . Those simple words itself helps a lot Breath in , Breath out Relax , Relax , Relax ... I have been googling relaxation techniques since the past 40 minutes I am trying to find a book about the various relaxation techniques . Let me see if i can find a good book about it
  3. Thanks c9jane29 , I will try to do that , i think the only rule for me right now is that i should not make a lot of unnecessary threads I think i can still post in other peoples thread , i guess all i need to do is to stay on topic Right now i am trying to learn more about the relaxation techniques one can practice in daily life . I wish i could get a book on that
  4. Hello babs609 , I have been trying to narrow a lot of things down related to my very serious addiction . It happens everyday , the narrowing down process . I was able to cut down a lot of triggers that led me to smoking , improved a lot of things about my diet etc . A minute ago i was reading about the importance of relaxation techniques , i think that is what i have been missing . Automatically my mind is a bit of a mess due to number of things i have to continuously follow , like my studies From today on wards i am going to focus a lot more on the word relaxation techniques I always thought relaxation techniques was simply some breathing techniques to calm one down . That is not always the case . In times like these when addiction makes one restless and mental , all sorts of relaxation techniques are so important . Life is sometimes mental , sometimes dull , sometimes too much stress . There is only one way to deal with it . That is to practice all the relaxation techniques one knows I am going to continuously try to learn about it , starting from Friday 16/11/2018
  5. The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing
  6. Someday i have to conquer this addiction Addiction is something that makes you mental if you don't get it ... Most of the days i usually try to quit before the clock hits 12 o clock midnight . That is my most favorite time
  7. Thanks for all the replies bakon ,babs609 , WeegieWoman ,MarylandQuitter Thanks for letting me keep this account . Sometimes there are lots of things in my mind and it makes more sense when i write it down or discuss with other people Anyway i will do one thing , i will continue to use the blog That way i can at least write down all the important points
  8. Repeating a particular activity, even if only with the imagination, wires it more securely into the brain. Thus each attempt at self-discipline is worthwhile. There’s no such thing as failure unless one actually gives up and stops trying. Every attempt at self-discipline is a step towards accomplishing it. Even just thinking about it is a step in the right direction.
  9. I am taking a day off from work tomorrow in the hopes of not getting this account banned I need some rest Also , i need to focus on something Need a bit of extra time for myself I really hope i can keep this account . This feels very important for me right now Like a life or death situation
  10. Sure i will use the blog , But please don't ban this account . Because i love reading the posts here . I can stay away for a year from the discussions , no problems Its probably because my posts looked too silly . That wont happen again
  11. This is one of those rare days where everything feels perfect and i do not even want to think about cigarettes anymore . I have a million other things to think about And i love this discussion group I want to contribute something good to this forum
  12. This is one of those days when everything feels perfect and all i need is a little bit more support to carry myself forward positively without the thought of cigarettes . May i know why my posts are on moderation ?
  13. Thanks for the quick reply babs609 I have no idea why everyone can post freely and i am on a special moderation . I am not an agent of any cigarette company Is it because my posts looks silly ? I have read a lot and made lot of improvements WeegieWoman , but i would like to be a part of the discussions too
  14. I got banned twice for trolling like activity , no warnings , nothing I was not even sure why i was banned 2 times without any reasons The other reason is i searched really hard but i could not find any smoke quitting related forums . I have a request , Can i please keep this one account for myself ? I am not trolling , its probably some communication issue as English is not my first language .

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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