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Everything posted by Wantsit

  1. The nerve of you
  2. I just want to begin this by saying thank you to all of that are out there supporting us that are liable to stumble. I had the perfect chance and excuse to fail but didn't , and who knows what will happen in the weeks to come but I haven't yet. I feel most of my strength has come from my support and knowledge that I have gotten from a few very good people here. THANK YOU! I have the utmost respect for all of you.
  4. Wow...here we go. My first huge test and crave since the beginning of this adventure. Just found out the company I work for is being sold. Tital waves right now. What’s b!tch.
  5. Blue morning blue day.
  6. NOPE I say!
  7. You're right recip-I'm not that type of person and wouldn't act that way to begin with. And I do like you said , know what it's like and do not want to be there. I am finding this out with my wife. After all these years of being together this is separating us at times . I do feel sorry for them because it just plain sucks.
  8. Oh how right you are! They walk through there with their noses in the air and fanning their hands acting as though they are going to pass out. It makes you want to say...GO AROUND! LOL! This year I will get to set with all the stuck up people on the other side. Did you ever notice that? The nonsmokers always seemed a little snootier on the other side of the ship. Maybe spending time over there will lift me up to their level! After all...I am a non smoker right now. Thank you for shedding a different light on this for me!
  9. WeegieWoman out of control hungry!
  10. Just eat it and be quiet about it
  11. It is strange , the things that bring on craves. For me one is staying in Hotels. I know it sounds strange since you cannot smoke in most of them , but we've stayed in two the last month and a half and after we get settled in and pour a drink I really would like to go out and have one. It passes quickly but it's been about the only time I really have a stronger crave. This scares me as well because we are going on another cruise in April and I told my wife last night that has me worried even though I haven't really struggled much lately. There is something about setting there with a drink in your hand , soaking in the sun , listening to the Caribbean music and looking out across the Ocean while enjoying a smoke. She said she would hurt me if that happened...promises, promises , I told her. But seriously, that has me more concerned than any time since I've quit. I'll make it through but just thinking ahead.
  12. I say NOPE!
  13. This make me want another dog! There's nothing like them!
  14. Better later than never. NOPE!
  15. They're going to make a hand.
  16. It’s a good day to NOPE!
  17. He is way out there!
  18. What's the good word?
  19. Tital waves Jaime!! But as time goes on it gets so much better I promise. Before you know it it you won't even think about them or at least very long Stay strong and adjust the way you think and break your habits you used to have when you would light up. It will surprise you just how much is habit and not need. You will get passed this and feel so much better.
  20. NOPE!!
  21. Thank you all again. I just want you all to know how much you've helped me through this journey. The wisdom, compassion, understanding and BS here has made this so much easier. I just want you to know you've made the bumpy ride so much smoother. Once again, thank you!
  22. Thank you all!!
  23. Going forward we need to change a few things.
  24. Thank you Whispers.

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