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Everything posted by Wantsit

  1. Lol!! Glad everything has gone well!
  2. NOPE! Don't think I will .
  3. Great job Cader!! I'm chasing you...5 more days.
  4. Another day of NOPE!
  5. Welcome Leon. As you can see I am just beginning my quit this month. The people here have been super and the information available is limitless. Everyone has gone through exactly what you will go through and will be here to help without judgement. Keep the faith!
  6. NOPE...Not today.
  7. You guys are the bomb!! Thank you for all your positive thoughts!
  8. Thank you jillar. I hope so because up until now I've done really well. We buried a friend of mine today...62 years old because of lung cancer. Have to stay strong!
  9. My dad smoked over 40 years. Had 5 by-pass surgery, half his voice box removed, COPD, and had quit for 26 years. We had just got done eating a great breakfast...pancakes , eggs, bacon , and a great cup of coffee. I watched him push himself away from the table and reach for his pocket. I couldn't believe it. I said really? He said you don't understand I could smoke one so easy right now it would make your head spin , but it will pass very quick. That is how strong this is. He died because of smoking and I still crave it on a daily basis. I feel guilty for how I feel and think how can you quit and crave it after 26 years? I know it will take time but pray every day I can withstand the temptation. This sucks! How can something like this control your life? I have quit what I thought were a lot worse habits as a youngster and realize now just what kind of grip these nasty things have on me. I hate it!
  10. NOPE!!
  11. LOL!! Stewie. Thank you and you have a deal on the celebration!
  12. Thank you all. I wasn't prepared for the want yesterday, if you can call it that. I appreciate all the feed back. Today will be better.
  13. Thanks all...I thought I was doing good but look at me...being a weakling and wasn't ready for this. Deep breaths.
  14. Where does the temptation come from? Crap I haven't had an issue for a week and all the sudden today I would have sold my soul for 5 minutes of pure smoking pleasure. I haven't an urge this strong since the first 3-4 days. I made it through but I can't explain how or where it came from and it lasted almost all day. Ready for this business to stop!
  15. So sorry to hear Kate. I lost my dad to virtually the same thing almost three years ago and have wanted to quit every since. I do not want to only be able to live by the length of a hose. What misery that has to be and could it have been prevented? Probably . I also saw what throat cancer did and hope I have the strength to stay strong enough to beat these demons. I have come to want this more than anything and wish for you the same thing! Prayers to you and your family.
  16. CF , I just want you to know that I think you have came to the right place. I have never seen anything like this. The people here seem to be the most caring group I have ever come across. The encouragement is unbelievable and genuine. Maybe it's because everyone here has been through the same thing as we have. I don't know , but I am certainly glad I found this. It has made my quit so much better even though I'm only 2 weeks into it. Thank you all, and CF, listen to everyone here, they know and can make it easier for you!
  17. Hang in there MLMR! I am right behind you. Week two and I think it's much better now than this time a week ago. I know what we're up against. Was was free from this 11 years ago for a whopping 5 months until a tornado decided to blow through our town and take everything. My biggest regret is taking the first drag...the first of many more. Right now I am starting to feel a new sense of pride that I haven't had about something for a long time. I know it is a long journey but we'll get there.
  18. Thank you everyone..I didn't know what to expect. It's funny, when you talk to someone that has never smoked , they try to encourage you, but have no idea how you are feeling at that very second that they say" it'll get better". I end up laughing after a while because they have no idea just how bad you feel and there is only one way you can go and that's up. I do appreciate the positive feel here and hope to learn from all of you!
  19. Hello everyone. I just found this site today. I'm eight days into this journey after 40 years and I can already tell I'm not the only one that has struggled with the little monster with such a super power. It has helped now knowing that I'm not the only one that has felt these overwhelming feelings I've had over the last week. I do think that it's getting better though! But I'm here to say it's been quite a week.
  20. Nope eight days!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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