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Everything posted by GM456

  1. "Each day of Freedom, no matter how gruesome, is one hundred times better than remaining a slave to nicotine" love this quote .. yes I was slave to nicotine from past several years . OK . My first day status: I didn't tell anyone family,friends am in the process of quit smoking as saw many folks who say this is my last ciga and next day they carry new packs .I want to avoid that and didn't carry single cig to work so guy who come with me always asked where is your pack , said no and didnt' bring today . then he offered me a cigarette which tempted me . had two puff or half cig . mind was chiming throw away and go out from that place .....done and told my friend I am quitting this . some puff made guilty but positive thought is, able to reduced 15 numbers to half cigarette ? so I can completely quit. mind control is tough though thanks for your support .. God bless you all
  2. Thanks all !! nice comments and supportive . how is my first day experience: its little tough though mind is saying don't smoke ......:) just cheat brain @pottanramu : i even tried champix some years before and patch etc.. but didn't work out .
  3. Thanks all for your wonderful support to others who are trying to quit smoking I just found this forum today while googling and gone through few topics and its really helping/motivating me . i am 38 years old male and started smoking from 19th age . oh more than 19+ years am smoking . initially 2 or 3 cigarettes per day but last 9 years it went to 13 to 15 per day . . I tried champix but unfortunately I could not complete the course with that it didn't help me in any case. last one month i have been thinking when will be my day to stop smoking . till yesterday not decided WHEN and just was waiting ... decided OK today is my day to quit . I am seeking your help/support for my initial days settling. I will keep you updated here with my status . no champix/patch God bless you all

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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